The topic I'd like to write about in this post is highly controversial, and I ask that you not judge me, please, until you hear me out (or read me out, whatever).
I love dressing my girls, and I get lots of comments on how well-dressed they are. It's like having my own two Baby Alive dolls, complete with accessories (and poopy diapers!). When I was pregnant with Natalie, I did just what every other naive first-time mom does...I went crazy in Babies 'R Us finding the most adorable little outfits. Imagine my shock when my (giant) baby arrived, and not only did she outgrow the adorable outfits after only one or two debuts, but all the leaky stuff that comes along with babies required constant laundry duty, wearing out the clothes quickly. As she grew, the ketchup, peanut butter, and apple juice stains didn't help much either.
This is when I discovered the wonders of the Wal-Mart kids' clothing section.
Did you read that? I typed it really small to lure you in and not scare you. Don't scream, or back away from your computer screen in horror. I know the scene that is flashing in your mind at this very second, because it is the scene that will flash through anyone's mind when they hear "Wal-Mart."
{It's a Friday night around 10:30 pm, and you've stopped in at WM to grab some paper towels because you are too lazy to drive the extra five minutes to Target. As you pass the beer aisle, you see Bubba and KellySue screaming at their four children. Bubba Jr. is picking his nose and rolling on the dirty floor while EssieMay cries inconsolably because she should have been in bed 3 hours ago and no one has changed her diaper in three days. Little Bubba Jr. Jr. (yes, that's two "Juniors") swiped a box of Cheez-its and is eating them while hiding behind a keg of Bud. CarlyJo looks shaky because they added another 6 ounces of Pepsi to her bottle to keep her quiet. When you roll your eyes at their poor parenting skills, KellySue screams at you to "mind your own business." You hurry to the paper towel aisle and vow to never again return to WM...until the next time you need paper towels. End Scene.}
I know Wal-Mart can be a scary place. I know. But I am hoping I just might win you over.
I like to dress the girls alike sometimes. I (heart) Gymboree. But times is tough, ya'll. I can't afford to go into Gymboree and spend $40 on a tee-shirt, some capris, and a matching hair bow. For one child! So my solution has been to scour the aisles at Wal-Mart, which is actually cheaper than Target (although not as dear to my heart). Yes, there is a lot of c*@^ to wade through, but if you look past the cheap Dora the Explorer pajamas, you can find some really sweet little outfits.
This is the price tag! $7.50 for a cute top and matching leggings. No, the quality is not Janie & Jack, but for something that may or may not have applesauce on it within five minutes of being worn, it'll do!
I went ahead and picked up these cute, little sandals for Michaela Byrd because I know the little sizes go fast. No, they ain't Stride Right, but I have yet to find a pair of shoes that will withstand the rigor that my kids will put them through. $5 or $6 beats $50 any day.
Now, you know Mama had to have something too, so I went shopping on the slipper aisle and found these:
$8.00, and they are the softest, most comfortable pair of slippers I have owned in years! They even have the hard sole so you can run (or trudge) out to get the paper. They remind me of the Cabelas slippers my dad used to wear, except that they did not cost $60.
I hope, dear reader, that I have not frightened you away by the knowledge that I buy some of my kids' clothes at WM. I don't have anything against Gymboree or Janie & Jack. Their clothes are stunning. Every so often, I splurge and buy something off the clearance rack at Gymboree. But if it's going to get snotted on, dirty, and worn, I want a bargain! I just can't justify $20 for a child's sweater any more.
If you aren't too scared, I can venture into the world of consignment/yard sales, but I don't want to send you over the edge.
I am anxious to hear about ways you've found to save on clothing, whether it's for you, your significant other, or your kids (or your pets!). Do you shop at the end of the season? If you leave me a comment, or post a link to your blog post, I'll feature it on Saturday's post!
Hope you have some Frugal Finds of your own!
Happy Bargain Hunting!
Love the girls' new outfits... cute. Good find, I would'nt have guessed WalMart if you hadn't told. I love the matching; Tracy hates it...maybe because I use to do it when she and her sister were little. I need some new slippers, yours looks comfy.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure if we can be friends now. WalMart?! ;) lol
ReplyDeleteKIDDING! Love the outfits, they girls will be so sweet in them.
I otoh, have to hope and pray that TCP has mercy on me for Easter and puts on a huge sale soon. They are the only place that I can find matching/coordinating stuff for all 4 boys. :(
I will say though, that I shop there at the end of season, and get lots of good deals for everyone for the following year. Kev found 4 shirts for M at TCP for $20. We got a lot of stuff at Kohls last week too for around $50 (4 pairs of pants, a couple shirts etc) You can't even do that at thrift stores a lot of the time, kwim?
I do find that I end up stretching my dollar a bit more by buying the quality stuff on sale, because it sometimes tends to last longer and I can pass it down from child to child. Doesn't always work, and forget jeans after they are over 4!! lol But I get a little nostalgic when I see E wearing something that M used to wear. lol
Can't wait for the next installment!
Here is my idea for saving money - when I have kids I'm just going to use your kids hand-me-downs:-) Thanks for paving the way for a sista!
ReplyDeleteI have shopped at Wal-mart. THERE, I said it!! : ) But when times were REALLY tight, I would shop Walmart clearance. $1 for a shirt or shorts is my kind of sale. I usually buy at the end of the season and estimate the size they'll need. With 3 little ones, it's a challenge to dress them for less.
ReplyDeleteCute, cute post and great visual on the WM scene! That was too funny! It's true, I'm not a fan of matchy, matchy stuff but the outfits you chose were cute. Great for spring! I love shopping at Khols and JcPenny's. Mikie won't wear any pants with zippers so $5 for Jumping Bean and Oakie Dokie brands are great for us. Zach hasn't grown out of any of his clothes for over 6 months now so I'm actually getting a little tired of looking at the same clothes month after month! He's still in 6-12 month stuff and he's 19 months already. I didn't think I'd get to use a lot of hand me downs due to the seasons being different (since they are 2 1/2 years apart) but since he refuses to grow, it looks as if Mikie's 18 mo summer clothes will be perfect for Zach when he turns 2 in July.
ReplyDeleteso i'm totally late, but i (yes, i admit, i'm biased!!) think my girls look pretty adorable most of the time. ;P but i get most of their stuff from various consignment sales and stores around town. i will shop gymboree and such when there are sales and i will also shop when they offer bonus buys such as gymbucks.
ReplyDeletei also sell at consignment stores and that credit then goes towards purchasing the clothes for a new season.