Please tell me I'm not the only one out there who knows about hatches, and The Others, and a crazy French lady.
I fell for LOST from the moment Jack Shephard opened his handsome eyes in that first scene and the eery screechy theme music lured me in like a siren. What I thought would be another "Gilligan's Island" turned into a show with a story woven like an intricate tapestry. I've never seen anything like many clever nuances and references to everything from literature to religion to pop culture. Romance, suspense, humor...LOST has it all.
The final season is premiering on Tuesday night and I am. so. excited.
If you all think I go nuts for So You Think You Can Dance?, then you've only seen the tiniest hint of obsession. I don't, like, wear a LOST t-shirt or read their online message boards, but I do really really look forward to each episode.
I recently found a fun LOST blog called Sussing Out Lost, and they posted two really neat videos relating to the show. Before you can enjoy you must answer a simple question:
Jack or Sawyer?