This blog has been a five to seven day a week gig for several years now. To keep content current, and to keep me from losing my mind, I'll be taking a break here and there starting in a week or so, but the blog will still be up with new projects every day!
1. Fabulous Content!
I have some amazing (ah-mazing!!) guest posts lined up for you guys. Some are from bloggers we all know and love, and some are from newer bloggers who will have a chance to show off their stuff. They're all fabulous. I promise. There will be recipes, home decor, organizing and entertaining tips, sewing tutorials, style, and more. I've spent hours rounding up posts, editing, and scheduling them. It's going to be awesome.
Throughout the month of December, my annual Season of Serenity series will run. It's a series designed to give you low-cost, low-stress inspiration and ideas for the Christmas season. Basically, enjoy your holidays without going nuts! Some blogger friends agreed to help me out with the series this year. I may share a post or two, but I am counting on the creative genius of those ladies to make the series a success this year. It's going to be a must-read, so keep an eye out for it starting the first week in December!
2. The weekly link party will go on!
My weekly Weekend Bloggy Reading link party opens every Friday morning at 8 am EST. It will continue this way. I won't be sharing my faves on Fridays because I have pre-scheduled the parties, but I will do my best to share some features from the links each week after the party goes live. It may be on Sundays, it may be on will all depend on how I am feeling.
Something I'd love to have your help on is promoting the party each week and following through on linking back each post that you share at the party.
If you have a moment to give the party a shout-out via Facebook or Twitter after linking up, I would really appreciate that! I've done my best to spread the love over the past few years...I'd be so grateful for your help in promoting the party while I am recovering!
3. I'll be back
I hope to pop in here and there to give you guys updates. You can follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest to see what's going on. I have a TON of projects that I've worked on over the past couple of months and just haven't been able to share due to commitments at home and with my family.
I've worked too hard on this blog over the past several years to just call it quits, but I recognize the fact that our life is getting ready to change drastically. I didn't have the blog when Michaela Byrd was born, and I know myself well enough to know that I can't balance a newborn and daily posting commitments over those first few months.
I am ever so grateful to the bloggers who have stepped up and offered their support through sharing their own creativity with me. You won't be bored, so please stick around!
Have you ever had to taper back on something you love? How did you do it?

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