Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My Retirement Plan

Many people pay financial counselors to help than plan for retirement. After a recent conversation with my four year old, I've decided to tell IRAs, Cds, and the stock market to kiss my grits.

We were discussing the future, and I asked Natalie what she wants to be when she grows up.

Her reply?

A doctor "what helps mommies' babies pop out of their tummies."

She'll be busy with her kids "Davey, Adam, and Emily," and her dog "Buster," but she's promised to make time to visit me and build me a house next door to live in.

I think I'm pretty much set, huh? If she throws in a weekly trip to Starbucks, I will have lived a good life.
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  1. That is so adorable! Thanks for uplifting my spirits today! Children are such a blessing. They really help us see what's truly important!

  2. I love it! It's scary to think those little people will one day possibly be taking care of us.

  3. That's pretty cute!

  4. very sweet! I love those conversations--they seem to put everything into perspective. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Oh, yes, you're set. Mommies will always be willing to pay the doctors what help babies pop out of their tummies.

    And since she's your daughter, Dr. Natalie will have a cute purse to carry all her cash. :)

  6. very sweet I love little kiddos they say the best things

  7. very sweet I love little kiddos they say the best things

  8. Heck yeah! You've got a smart kid on your hands :)

  9. So precious! Lucky you! My boys say they're staying with me forever and my eight year old said his wife will live here too. Oh goodee!

  10. lol Awesome! I'm hoping Toot gets an Oscar. lol

  11. The dude is gonna play pro ball just like his Daddy. At least that's what I'm banking on. Ah ha ha

  12. Now that sounds like a plan :)
    xoxox Susie~

  13. Now that sounds like a plan :)
    xoxox Susie~

  14. Get her to sign off on doing it now. Have it notarized and make her stick with it! Seriously, I have one that wants to be a writer and another that wants to be a teacher and one that is trying to find a job where someone pays him to hike.

  15. I'm am ALL FOR living off the fruits of my labor (literally and...literally) later in life.

    Here's to Dr. Natalie!

    PS: I'm trying to convince my 10 yo son to become an orthodontist. Got any tips?

  16. OMG- that was adorable. I just read your last post too- you are ambitious! I have zero talent for anything that involves me being outside. I've decided to let my hubby have complete control of the outside of our home, come what may!

  17. oh my gosh haha such a cute thing :) love it Amanda!

  18. you always have some of the greatest conversations with your girls. I need to ask those kinds of things and make my boys think a little.


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