The winner of Family Fragrance is SongbirdTiff, which is ironic because hers is a blog I enjoy reading regularly. (I asked T to pick a number, and then I went through all the entries--some of you had more than one--and found the corresponding number)
Please contact me with your info. so I can get your prize to you. Enjoy!
Now, on to the fun part!
One of the things I love most about blogging is getting a peak into the lives of other bloggers! Some of my favorite posts to read on other blogs are the ones where a homeowner shares parts of her home, and the way she has feathered her nest.
But I'd wager to say that just about all of us have one or two (or ten!) problem areas that we'd love to have some help with.
This is where my fun announcement comes in:

I am going to host my first ever blog party!
On August 12th (a Wednesday), I'm asking you to link up to me with a post featuring something in your home you'd love to have some input on.
I don't care if it's something as small as "what color should I paint this chair?", "where should I hang this new chalkboard?" or something as large as "Help! My kids set fire to the Living room and now I need to redecorate! What do I do?" OR you could even post some before and after photos of solutions you've found for your Decorating Dilemmas. Inside, outside, crafty stuff, thrifty stuff, decor, organization...I don't care! Just have fun with it!
I'll ask everyone to swing by each other's blogs and leave a helpful suggestion or two (in kindness, "Your bathroom is the ugliest thing I've ever seen in my life" comments).
I'll try my hand at Mr. Linky, but if he won't work with me, we'll just do links in the comments section.
I am awarding a prize to the blogger whose post I like best. I don't particularly have any criteria for this prize....I might even just choose randomly.
So what do you all think? I know for sure that I have at least twenty one project I'd like to work on that I'd love to have some input from my bloggy friends. We all love to showcase our triumphs. Why not share the areas that might need a little boost?
Let me know if this sounds like fun to you...commenting in no way commits you to the party! I'm just curious to see if it's something you all might enjoy. Right now, my sister and Xazmin promised they'd play. Even if it's just the three of us, we'll have a blast.
Let's help each other out and have some fun doing it.
I'll post some more reminders as we get closer, and if you want to include my "button" in your post (it's really just a picture because I can't figure out that html stuff!) that would be great!
{Mark your calendars, friends!}