We got nuthin'.
T will be working in the store, heading up some inventory on New Years Day, so he doesn't want to stay out late tonight. Even if he were able to sleep in tomorrow, his antisocial proclivities would keep him from attending any fun soirées with me tonight. Bummer.
I may see if I can spike his drink enough to get him to watch Glee on DVD with me 'til just before the ball drops in Times Square.
Stop laughing. That's the only way I'd ever get him to watch it.
Other than that, I'll try to spend some time today thinking about my goals for 2010.
Speaking of goals, one of my goals for my blog in 2009 was to try to grow my blog and post every weekday.
This was my first year of blogging (I don't count the random smattering of three posts from 2008), and I definitely met my goals. I've gone from probably 3 to 270+ Followers. That's a big deal for a girl who has a "blog about nothing." I don't exactly fit in a niche because I blog about so many random things.
I have all of YOU to thank for that. Your kind comments, emails, and general encouragement have really boosted my confidence this year. I feel like I can take steps in 2010 to continue expressing myself in my little corner of the web.
In case you're new, here's a little smattering of my favorite randomness from 2009.
{Crafty Stuff I tried}
My $8 Salvation Army Metal Disaster Table Turned Craft Desk
Ribbon and Button Embellished Lampshade Tutorial (featured on Living with Lindsay)
Embellished Burlap Table Runner
{Moments of Tragedy and Triumph in the Kitchen}
Stayin' Alive While Canning
In the Mood for Mexican?
{Fun and Funny Posts}
Braving Black Friday (Featured as a guest post on Kate's fabulous Centsational Girl blog)
Conquering a Fashion Fear
High Fashion
{Most Embarrassing Mom Moments}
Ode to the Dog Water
Help! I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up
Case Closed
Worst. Wedding Toast. Ever
Hope you found something here to make you smile today. See you next year.
Have a very Happy New Year!