Hello Serenity Now readers! I'm so thrilled to be here as apart of Amanda's holiday series. I'm Michaela, an interior designer, event stylist and DIY lover. While she's off spending precious time with her new baby and family for the holidays, I'm here showing you one way to save some moolah this season.
Want to make some cute shoes for under $30?! Of course you do :) Here's the scoop...
Immediately, I knew I could recreate this pair of shoes for hundreds of dollars less. The next day I went to Target to buy a pair of simple black flats {$9.99} and Paper Source to pick up my spray adhesive and glitter {$9.99 & $3.75}. Here's what you need and how to make your own:
Materials: flats, chunky glitter, super spray adhesive, blue tape, plastic bags {to cover the rest of the shoe when spraying the adhesive}.
Step One: Tape off the toe. Cover the rest of the shoe in a plastic bag so it doesn't get sticky.
Step Two: Spray a thick layer of spray adhesive on the tip of the shoe.
Step Three: Spread a heavy layer of glitter across the toe of the shoe on top of the adhesive.
Step Four: Dump off the remaining glitter. I used my fingers to gently rub over the tip of the shoe in order to get even more of the glitter off.
I have to say, I adore the look of my new shoes!
Word to the wise-- wear them out a few times to get some of the excess glitter off before wearing them to people's homes and such :)
What do you think? Is this a DIY you can do? While I love me some Jimmy Choo, I also love me a pair of shoes that is a fraction of the price.
Hopefully this is a look you can recreate for holiday fashion!
Thanks for having me, Amanda!
Pretty fabulous, huh? You all know I love glittery, shiny things, so these are right up my alley. Thank you so much, Michaela, for showing us this awesome project today!
*You'll find more holiday inspiration for this season at my Christmas series, A Season of Serenity, which is running all December long. The posts are rounded up as each one goes live. I'd love for you to visit!*
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