Disclaimer: Y'all know I love (love!) Fluffy Books, so please don't begin reading this post expecting me to do a hard sell on Abnormal Psychology or An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics. I spend enough of my day grasping a very thin thread of sanity that would most likely be snipped should I attempt to utilize too many more brain cells. There's enough seriousness on the news, in the papers, etc. If I'm going to take the time to read, I want to be entertained.
Well, now that we got that off our collective chest, I will begin (I apologize for the small photos, but Blogger decided it would be fun to randomly crop off the bottom 3/4 of all my photos today and I've had to play around and resize)....
1. Mini Shopaholic, Sophie Kinsella
I won't give you excerpts from any more books because I don't love you enough to type them all out, but this book made the cut just for the following:
"A mother in J Brand skinny jeans with an impeccably dressed daughter walks past, giving me the Mummy Once-Over, and I flinch. Since I had Minnie, I've learned that the Mummy Once-Over is even more savage than the Manhattan Once-Over. In the Mummy Once-Over, they don't just assess and price your clothes to the nearest penny in one sweeping glance. Oh no. They also take in your child's clothes, pram brand, nappy bag, snack choice, and whether your child is smiling, snotty, or screaming. Which I know is a lot to take in, in a one-second glance, but believe me, mothers are multitaskers."
As far as chick lit goes, this is one of Kinsella's better stories in some time. Kinsella writes funny, quirky, likeable characters, and Becky Bloomwood is back in action as a mom with a serious shopping problem in this continuation of the Shopaholic series.
2. The Reluctant Entertainer, Sandy Coughlin
I purposefully waited until Blogland had quieted down about this release from blogger Sandy Coughlin. I wanted to forget about the hype before I picked the book up and decided for myself. I'm not quite through with it yet, but Sandy's straightforward advice on how to become comfortable with entertaining really hits home. Hint: It's not about you!!
3. The One Hundred, Nina Garcia
This one goes on my "To Read" list. I suppose it's as close to Project Runway as I will get, unless Heidi Klum decides she wants to be my BFF and invites me to hang with her, Nina, and Michael. PS. I bet that would be a delightfully snarky evening!
4. Nikon D3000 for Dummies
Another for my "To Read" list. I'm a little intimidated, which I suppose confirms and solidifies my "Dummie" status (Yes, I know I spelled it wrong. That's why I'm a dummie. Dangit, I did it again).
5. Me, Myself, and Lies, Jennifer Rothschild
This Bible study is billed as a "thought closet makeover," and I am so eager to begin it with some of the girls from my MOPS group. I'm guilty of self-destructive thoughts, and it's time to clean house!
I doubt I'll find the time to get through all of the books on my "To Read" list within the next month, though I'd like to try. This is, obvisouly, in addition to my rigorous course of reading Better Homes and Gardens and Southern Living when they arrive. Think my kids would notice if I just sat on the couch all day??
What about you?
{Do you have any great reads to recommend for this Winter? Do share in the comments!}
There's only one thing missing, and that's a delicious treat to munch on while you read. Come back tomorrow and I'll share a recipe with you!
Right now I'm re-reading one of my absolute favorites, Welcome to the World Baby Girl by Fannie Flagg. Just fluffy enough to be a pretty fast read, but not so fluffy you finish it and think, "Why did I waste my time reading this?" Actually, you really can't go wrong with anything by Fannie Flagg!
ReplyDeleteI have the first Shopaholic book but haven't read it yet. I think it will be a good one for after the baby comes and I'll need a healthy dose of escapism (if I have time for escapism, that is!!). The excerpt from the Shopaholic book you posted totally reminded me of a book I read a couple years ago - Momzillas by Jill Kargman. I really liked that one. It's a judgmental-moms-in-NYC-type book.
Sorry for the rambling - I love to read. :)
Hey girl! Your summaries are obviously written by someone who loves to read--only a reader could write that well!
ReplyDeleteI've never read anything of Sophie Kinsella's, but that excerpt you posted is right on the money. Wow! And isn't Sandy's book beautiful?
You've made me want to curl up in front the fireplace with a good book. :)
I have a huge long list, I read super fast, so I sort of have to have a long one in order to keep myself interested. Quite often, I am reading 4-5 at a time, so it isn't as daunting as it sounds. lol
ReplyDeleteHere are a few of mine to start and finish over the next few weeks:
Re read "The Organic God" by Margaret Feinberg, bcs it was excellent.
"Crazy Love" by Francis Chan
"The Historian" by Elizabeth Kostova
"Decision Points" by George W. Bush
"The Disappearing Spoon" by Sam Kean
"My Fair Lazy" by Jen Lancaster
I am only about halfway through the first 3, so I need to get on it and get crackin'!
Enjoy your good reads :)
You know I'm not one for reading but your list intrigues me. With the exception of the Nikon book I should probably check out most if not all of the others. Thanks for sharing. Have a blessed week!
ReplyDeleteI have read all the Shopaholic books. I didn't know another one came out since Shopaholic and Baby! I'm excited! Love Sophia Kinsella. Great reading for "entertainment" as you said. I agree I really am not trying to go into deep reading when I have free time. As you know, a mother's free time is few and far between!
ReplyDeleteI love curling up with a cozy warm blanket and a good book! I like your reading list. I am looking forward to checking out the Reluctant Entertainer and I really should get the camera book too seeing as I have that camera myself and REALLY want to learn to use it more. I think I am a little intimidated too.
ReplyDeleteI just finished Unlocked by Karen Kingsbury. I enjoyed it. I really love her Redemption Series books.
Last night I started Heart of the Matter by Emily Girffin. And today I need to start The Power of a Praying Woman for my mom's bible study that kicks off tomorrow morning. Oh and I am interested in the one you mentioned too...Me, Myself and Lies.
Thanks for the book suggestions!
Thanks for sharing your list...
ReplyDeleteHere are some of the books that are on my list...
"One thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp(UPS just dropped it off this morning)
Sandy's "The Reluctant Entertainer" is on my list too!!!
"Beating the Winter Blues: The Complete Survival Handbook for Moms" by Claudia Arp
and re-reading one of my new favorites-- "True Treasures" compiled by Lori Flem
this is in addition to the Homeschooling books I am working through right now.
I love to read too!!! I am very interested in how the Bible Study goes that you are working on too. Would love your opinion on it before I check it out too! :D
Have a great day!!!
Mary Joy
I'm reading the Mini Shopaholic now and will probably reread Gone With the Wind or Scarlett next. I don't take a lot of time to read, but I should.
ReplyDeleteOh im with you. Nothing like a blanket and a good book! have you read redeming love by francine rivers? its really good.
ReplyDeleteother recommendations
The pilots wife
sarahs key
still alice
her mothers hope ( francine rivers)
Outlander ( very mushy gushy)
i could go on and on.
I was just at the library an hour ago stocking up for the big storm and checked to see if there was a Sophie Kinsella I haven't read. They didn't have any (I've read them all except this new one), and I didn't know this one was out. I'll have to put in a request for it.
ReplyDeleteI recently finished the Refiner's Fire series by Lynn Austin and enjoyed it very much.
At the library I got "Bringing Up Girls" by Dr Dobson and "7 Things He'll Never Tell You but you need to know" by Dr Kevin Leman.
Also got one by a new-to-me author Katie Fforde. Some of the reviews on the back say "the literary equivalent of warm fuzzy slippers" and "a light fling of a read, and a breezy, entertaining companion on a cold winter night" so it sounds like it fits the bill!
Love, love, LOVE Sophie Kinsella. She is definitely a relaxing read. And even if you aren't a clothes horse, you've gotta love the Shopaholic books! :) Have you ever read any of her books under her real name of Madeleine Wickham? Equally as wonderful. Happy reading!
ReplyDeleteOh, I have nothing valuable to contribute to this topic.
ReplyDeleteRight now I am reading John Adams, and Mitt Romney's book, as well as a book on Charlotte Mason Education for our school. So not fluffy, or light reading!
Although I do love American History, and you know of my passion for Mitt!
I would so love to just sit down with a nice, fluffy chick novel though!
Over the summer, I saw so many moms at the public pools reading "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett. I figured it must be good, so I got it from the library. I reserved it, and it literally had so many people on the reserved list, it took 6 weeks before I got it. It was really excellent. Thought provoking, really well written, but not difficult to read. I almost couldn't put it down, which can be a problem, too. :) Thanks for your suggestions!
ReplyDeletei love the shopaholic series, they really made me laugh out loud. i saw someone suggested sarah's key-excellent book, but not along the lighthearted lines you are wanting. have you read jemima j or any by jane green? i think you'd find her similar to sophie kinsella.
ReplyDeleteI am such a lazy reader. I have been wanting to find something fun to read...I'm going to look for that first one at the library!
ReplyDeleteI'm reading Bloodroot by Amy Greene and already know that I'll be sad when I finish it. It's set in the mountains of TN. I'm also reading the Cannon version of the Dummies book. I now understand my camera's features but I'm still not quite sure how to put f-stop, aperature, white balance, etc. all together on my own.
ReplyDeleteI'm all about the fluff. I have way too much serious going on in my real-life. I want an escape so #1 look delightful to me! I'm slowly working my way through all the Mary Kay Andrews that you suggested at the beginning of the summer. I'm lovin' those!
ReplyDeleteI hope you will tell us more about Me, Myself, and Lies as you get into it. I think I would be a good candidate for this study, too. I'm definitely guilty of self-destuctive thoughts and am often quite mean to myself. Why do we do this??
ReplyDeleteooo... I wanna read the 100. Sounds great. And the Shopaholic book sounds great, too. I love a good read.
ReplyDeleteHave you read Girl in Translation? IT's amazing, my favorite book of 2010.
ReplyDeleteI love love love to curl up with a good book! My favorite book that I read recently was The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. It was a true story about her life and it was such a good read. I have just finished the sequel to it also.
ReplyDeleteMy book club at work just finished The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society. It was fabulous!!
Next up for me is probably The Help!
I haven't read any of these! I have a stack of books that I have just GOT to get through!
ReplyDeleteNothing better than a good read,..my biggest problem is there is so much I want to read....have five books going now.....Just starting 1000 Gifts....
ReplyDeleteHave a great week.....
I can be really picky when
ReplyDeleteit comes to new books but over the holidays I read The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton and I am already dying to read it again! It was the most gorgeous tale!
I loved it! One of those very rare books that you truly forget everything and get lost in.
love the list!
I haven't heard of these book at all! Is my head stuck in the sand or what? Ha!
ReplyDeleteNina Garcia's book has sparked my interest. Must check that one out.
I have been reading J.D. Robb's books. Just finished Naked in Death! Good read...kind of an abrupt ending but a thrilling ride for sure.
Right now I'm reading 3 books:
ReplyDeleteOn my bathtub sits the Outlander series...I'm on the 4th book now. I read this while in the bath each night (yes, I said EACH night...as I never skip my nightly bathtime!) I just love a continuing story...
on the kitchen counter sits: The Boy from Baby House Ten -- I read this one while I snack and/or eat a meal, depending on the kids (sometimes they eat their lunch out in the backyard which gives me a few minutes alone) This is a heartbreaking yet heartwarming story about the life of a boy who spent his younger childhood years in a Russian orphanage then was transferred at the age of 4 to an adult mental institution. The way children with disabilities are treated in those orphanages/institutions are truly shocking...and so, so sad. HIs story has a happy ending, but most of those children don't.
in my purse is a book i just picked up called Heaven is For Real -- about a little boy who died and came back to life, then told all about what he saw in Heaven. I read this one in the car while sitting in the "pick up" line for school, or in any waiting area that I'm stuck in.
okay, I just realized that I wrote that the boy "died and came back to life" LOL -- Not claiming he is Jesus, of course...what I meant was that he had one of those near-death experiences:)
ReplyDeleteI just ordered My Favorite Mistake by Beth Kendrick and LoveHampton by Sherri Rifkin from Amazon (very cheap if you get the used books for like 1 cent..Just have to pay shipping). I just finished The Island by Elin Hildenbrand last night and started Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks. The authors I always have an eye on are Jane Green, Elin Hildenbrand, Emily Griffin and good ol' Sophia.
ReplyDeleteWell, I read mostly fantasy/paranormal novels, but I have plenty of titles for you! :-P
ReplyDeleteShiver - Maggie Stiefvater
Linger - Maggie Stiefvater
Lament - Maggie Stiefvater
Impossible - Nancy Werlin
Fallen - Lauren Kate
Torment - Lauren Kate
Elixir - Hilary Duff (yes THE Hilary Duff)
Halfblood Chronicles - Mercedes Lackey & Andre Norton
Rose Daughter - Robin McKinley
The Spindle's End - Robin McKinley
(the first one is Beauty and the Beast, the second is Sleeping Beauty... but both with a new twist)
Snow - Tracy Lynn (retelling of Snow White)
I could probably keep going but.... LoL. I'll stop for now. :-)
I want to read Nina Garcia's book. I bet it's fab! Let's see...I'm reading a whole lot of books for my design classes so I barely have time to read for pleasure! But I'm going to try to finish this book I have called Reasons For God...it's to better know how to witness to those who aren't Christians. It's pretty good!
ReplyDeleteI love Candace Cameron Bure's new "Reshaping It All". Amazing. It literally changed my life. The way I eat, cook, and live. Simply amazing. Very good read. Also - I am totally obsessed with "The Twilight Saga". Yeah...I'm one of 'those' moms. LOL.