I don't think I'll bother saving up for a new couch. We'll just rely on Costco's paper goods for our decor needs. (They seriously dragged that over in front of a perfectly good couch to sit and watch a movie)
Hope you had a great Mother's Day! I spent most of mine nursing a sore throat, headache, and stuffy nose, mostly likely a result of digging around in my pollen laden flower bed on Friday afternoon.
Ironically, I have another Costco trip today, but the girls will be disappointed we're not bringing paper towels or toilet paper home.
I'll be back tomorrow with some Technical How-Tos for my Commenting 101 blogging series.

Too cute! My Granny always used to say, "just give em a cardboard box." Sorry to hear you are a bit under the weather. The pollen here this spring has been awful, but is now finally subsiding! Have a wonderful day!!
ReplyDeletelol! Kids are too funny. I just adore their imaginations though. Everything is so fun and interesting to them. They make do with the most simplistic things.
ReplyDeleteSorry you're not feeling well. I have had a bit of the same too. I think mine is from the pollen. My son is obsessed with spending hours outside every day, which doesn't help the situation!
Kids will find the best and most comfortable places to sit. LOL Got say they are adorable and look so comfey . Good advertisment picture.
ReplyDeleteHope you feel better fast. Been taking allergy meds regulary the last few weeks. Pollen is really high here now.
That is so cute! My little guy loves to sit on boxes. Whatever makes them happy, right? I hope that you feel better and that you had a wonderful Mother's Day! :)
ReplyDeleteHeehee! The girls look pretty comfy on that. My sisters & I used to sit in baskets full of clean, warm (fresh out of the dryer) laundry in front of the tv & it would drive my mom batty. Haha! Hope you're feeling better today.
ReplyDeleteHA! That's funny! You should send that picture in to the toilet paper company. The girls' might get an advertising deal out of it! HA!
ReplyDeleteSo funny! I love the way Michaela Byrd is intent upon watching her movie. The older and more sophisticated Natalie apparently knew that there was a photo op at hand! Honestly, Costco should purchase that photo from you; what could be better advertising? And who needs expensive white slipcovers when you could substitute a completely disposable biodegradable material?
ReplyDeleteSo sorry the pollen got to you! It's really been something this spring, hasn't it? Hope you're feeling fit as a fiddle again soon.
I love their ingenuity - not constrained by cultural norms ;) Maybe the next blog trend will be using TP to stuff our pillows & upholstery. You never know...
Well, it is the perfect size for them! At 5ft tall, I know I've found a good seat when my feet touch the floor!
ReplyDeleteAwesome! That's something my son would do! We bought him a little kid chair for around 100$ and he doesn't even sit in it. It's really cozy and says his name and everything LOL. Kids.
ReplyDeleteHa! That photo made me laugh aloud. Thanks for sharing and hope you feel better soon.
ReplyDeleteSo cute! Now to redecorate, just cover it with some fabric. Hope you are feeling better today!
ReplyDeleteToo funny! My boys think it is funny to sit out paper towels when I unload them from the car too...except boys don't just sit quietly, they jump and stomp and end up squishing all my rolls!
ReplyDeleteHaha! How adorable. Costco is the best. I'd always ask my dad if I could go with him to sit on the cart and eat up all the free samples (:
ReplyDeleteYour girls kill me with their cuteness. Who needs a sofa?
ReplyDelete(i'm also digging the ballet-outfit. So cute.)
Haha! My kids like to do that too. I try not to think of it as a comment on how comfy or not our furniture is. ;)
ReplyDeleteLOL that it's right in front of the perfectly good couch! Things like toilet paper are just more fun when you're little. :)
ReplyDeleteHope you feel better!!
So cute! Use what you've got, right?
ReplyDeleteWow, your girls have gotten so big. They are so cute. At least they made themselves comfortable, right? LOL
ReplyDeleteBTW, I don't know if you've tried Zyrtec D, but it works well for me. You can buy it behind the counter at Target. I've had the same type of symptoms like you and in about a day or two the ZyrteC D helped clear me up. You'll have to sign over your first born to get the meds (gotta love how they do this now at the pharmacy) but you'll feel better.
Hope you feel better soon.
Stopping by to read the latest in the commenting series :) - can't wait for tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteI bought this toilet paper awhile back and, man, totally got grief from the hubby for straying from our usual. Who knew TP was so sacred?!
Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!
That's cute :)
ReplyDeleteI spent my Mother's Day at the urgent care center getting a tick removed from my son's neck! Yuck! I guess I was really a mom that day :)
ReplyDeleteI hope you're feeling better. I was (still am) sick with a cold. Blah.