I thought that last month's appointment with the specialist would be the last one. I've seen this doctor a handful of very expensive times throughout this pregnancy, as this is my third c-section. I know that part of a specialist's job is to weed out any little anomaly they can find and scare the living daylights out of you with it, and mine has done a real stand-up job of this.
My last appointment was supposed to be a quick ultrasound to make sure the placenta (TMI, sorry) is in the right spot, and they were going to give me a date for an amnio to check baby's lungs and schedule the c-section for the day after with my OBGYN.
Unfortunately, the perinatologist found a dilated spot on each of baby boy's kidneys in the ultrasound. I can't remember the medical terminology he used, but if the dilated places don't close up, they can cause urine to back up...and even lead to kidney failure.
Cue complete freak out on my part.
To give myself and the doctor some credit, I did not visibly freak out. Oh, no, I leave that part for inside my head.
This particular specialist was standing in for the woman I normally see, and I think it ended up being a blessing that I saw him instead that day. My regular perinatologist tends to be a bit deadpan with her delivery ("You may need a hysterectomy." The. End.) This guy was frank with me, looked me in the eye the entire time, and made sure to tell me that he sees this particular problem three to four times a day. Out of his thirty year career, he's only seen three cases turn into something scary.
The areas were too small to bother noting as defects or abnormalities, so they'll be taking another peek on Tuesday morning.
Please keep the baby in your thoughts and prayers over the weekend. I'm hoping we'll see healthy kidneys.
Thanks in advance!

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