Wednesday, January 22, 2014

How to Keep Your Closet Organized

I've had organizing on the brain all month long. Life with the new baby has us in a bit of chaos, so I'm letting Leanne from Organize and Decorate Everything share some great tips on How to Keep Your Closet Organized. Please help me welcome her to the blog today!


       Closet Organizing Tips

Why is it that our closets always seem too small no matter the size? Probably because we have it shoved full of stuff we haven’t worn or used in years. Whether you have a large walk-in closet or a tiny closet, these tips can help you get your closet clean and organized and keep it that way. If you've never cleaned out your closet (or it's been a long time) start by emptying the whole thing to get a fresh start. While it's empty, take a damp cloth and wash down the rods, shelves, walls, and baseboards. Don't forget to vacuum too. Master Closet Organization 9.1

Go through your clothes and ask yourself some simple but important questions:
1- When was the last time I wore this? If it's been more than a year it's time to get rid of it.

2- Does it fit? Don't hang onto things that are too small or too large.

3- Do I want it just sitting in my closet taking up valuable space? That space can be used for clothing you actually wear.

4- Would I buy it right now? If you wouldn't, you probably never wear it.

5- Do I like the way I look in it? Again, you're probably not wearing it if you don't.

      Master Closet Organization 10.1

As you're putting things back group "like with like": dresses, skirts, pants, sweaters, long sleeve shirts, short sleeve shirts, etc. I also like to group by color. It makes it easier to find what I want to wear and make outfits quickly. Don't return things back to the closet that don't belong there.

  Master Closet Organization 7.1

I like to store my exercise clothes, jackets, sweaters and tanks on shelves. If you don't have shelves in your closet you can hang a portable hanging shelf unit from the rod. You could also add some stacking portable shelves if you have the floor space.

  Master Closet Organization 6.1

I also use portable shelves for shoes. It keeps them off the floor and easy to see. Try to use all available space but keep as much off the floor as possible. I've placed the shelves under the hanging clothes and under the shelves on the right side of the closet.

  Master Closet Organization 5.1

Store your bags out of the way but also easy to get to if you change often. If you have space to hang your bags that's also a good option. My bags are stuffed with paper to help them keep their shape. Use baskets or bins to hold smaller objects to keep them corralled. It would be nice and pretty if containers matched perfectly but I use what I have. You don't have to spend money to be organized.

  Master Closet Organization 4.1

Store seldom used items on the very top shelf. The bags and baskets can also hold smaller, little used items. Use tags labeled with what's inside if you can't remember. Keep a fold-up stool in your closet to reach the high shelves.
Master Closet Organization 3.1

There's usually space on the inside walls of a closet no matter how small. Utilize that space by hanging hooks to store ties, belts, bags, scarves, etc. They'll be kept neat and tidy and you'll have easy access to them.

                         Master Closet Organization 2.1

Don't forget the inside of the doors. Use over-the-door organizers or hooks to hold things you use often. I have my exercise clothes, hats, and a jacket to grab quickly.

To keep things organized:
1- Have a designated space for every item.

2- Use labels for keeping track of things.

3- Return things promptly.

4- Don't place things in your closet that don't belong.

5- Hang regularly used items from hooks.

6- Before returning things to your closet ask yourself if you really want to keep it.

7- Don't store things behind other things.

8- Do a quick straighten up every few weeks to stay on top of it.

9- Take a picture of your closet once you have it organized so you can remember how great it looks.

Good luck getting your closets organized. It’s such a wonderful feeling once it’s accomplished.

Thanks for sharing with us, Leanne! One of these days I'll be back into the swing of things and can my own house under control. Until then, lots of planning!

Which area of your home needs to be organized this month?

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  1. perfect timing. dealing with my closet is on my list for this week!

  2. So many great ideas! I definitely need to use my closet space better and now you've motivated me to put it further up on my list!


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