Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Celebrating "Pi" Day with Banana Cream Pie

Did you know that tomorrow is Pi Day?
Banana Cream Pie

If your brain is geared more towards delicious treats than complex mathematical solutions, you may have read that as "Pie." Confession: I did at first.

I spent some of my adult years trying to forget those long hours in high school and college math classes, where (full disclosure here) I used my fingers or a calculator to do addition, and I am fully aware that I most likely passed due to good attendance and also being very very cute.

I love pie, so it's ironic that Pi, a mathematical term, is even related to something so tasty. Pi is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. I have a degree in English, Speech, and Linguistics (this is what people who are not good at math major in), so I am able to read the words in that definition, but I couldn't explain that to you even if I wanted to. But I do know that Pies are round and Pies are delicious. That's a good equation, right?

Luckily, the folks at Marie Callender's see the value in both mathematics and delicious treats. They invited me to try a pie of my choice to celebrate Pi Day, and who am I to turn down dessert?

Michaela Byrd and I had to make a grocery run while Natalie was in school, so we took a special trip down the frozen foods aisle to admire the selection in the Marie Callender's freezer. Although firmly raised in the "it's not dessert if there's not chocolate in it" camp, I had a hard time choosing which pie to bring home with us. The Marie Callender's  brand offered choices like

  • Key Lime Pie
  • Chocolate Satin Pie (my fave!)
  • Coconut Cream Pie
  • Southern Pecan Pie (also a fave)
  • Razzleberry Pie
  • Lattice Peach Pie
  • Peppermint Pie
  • and a whole bunch more
I think I could have easily parked my cart right there in the frozen food section and created a pie buffet. 

I ended up choosing something new (for me), a Banana Cream Pie.
Banana Cream Pie


It was scrumptious! The whipped topping with slivered almonds was generous without being overwhelming. It didn't take away from the creamy banana cream custard filling, which was just the right texture. Smooth, rich, and definitely banana-flavored--because it was made with real bananas! Grocery store pies can often have that odd, "gel-like" texture, but I didn't have any of that with the Marie Callender's brand. A perfect balance of flaky crust, creamy filling, and sweet topping.
Banana Cream Pie

Pure tastiness, and a hit all-around. I like that kind of math!
Banana Cream Pie

If you need a reason to celebrate Pi Day tomorrow (or if you just want to eat some exceptionally good Pie), you can use this coupon for $1.50 off a Marie Callender's frozen pie at national retailers (coupon expires on March 31, 2013). You can also rate and review any Marie Callender's product. Or head over to the Marie Callender's blog for party ideas, how-tos, and more!

What's your favorite pie flavor?

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective, and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.


  1. We have celebrated "pi" day in the past with a Pie Party. It's been a lot of fun and a great excuse to get together with friends.

  2. First thing my girls said as they read over my shoulder and saw the pie: "YUM!" I'm sure I'll be picking up one at the store really soon!

  3. So fun! The whole math department used to do a big Pi Day celebration when I taught high school! That pie looks delish!

  4. I'd forgotten all about Pi Day! But this morning I did remember to tell Lee "Beware the ides of March!" You, I know, will understand that reference!!


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