Monday, February 16, 2015

10 Inspiring "How to Decorate" Blog Posts and Series

I'm taking a little blogging break today to get parts of my house under control. It's been too many days of chaos with a baby dragging on my leg because he has a bad cold...doesn't make for getting stuff done around the homestead. So, today I thought it would be fun to share some great DIY and Decorating links with you. These are some of my favorite blog posts and series on How to Decorate!
10 Inspiring "How to Decorate" Blog Posts and Series, rounded up at Serenity Now
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  1. Much thanks Amanda for sharing details about my Creating a Meaningful Home blog series. It is such an enjoyable, eye-opening series about what is most meaningful! xo Jenna

  2. Thank you so much for sharing my post and all the other great links to decorating posts here! You are so sweet.


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