Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Great Gatsby

Still feeling like I just want to lay on the couch and watch movies all day. Ugh. With two girls, that's not exactly possible, so I thought I could at least talk about movies today on the blog. Or one movie. A movie starring the incredibly debonair Leonardo DiCaprio. Anyone else super-excited about seeing The Great Gatsby? It comes out tomorrow!

Gatsby ended up as the pick for this month's book club, and I hadn't read it since high school. How I managed to earn a degree in English, Speech, and Linguistics without rereading F. Scott Fitzgerald's masterpiece in college, I'll never know. But reading it again last week swept me back into that glittery, pulsing Jazz Age. 

I remember seeing the Robert Redford film version of the novel in high school, and being utterly bored with it. Although I'm not sure I agree with the new director's (Baz Luhrman) choice to use contemporary music, and the trailer has a bit of a manic look to it, it does seem to capture the frenzy and excess that the Jazz Age embodied. I remember loving his take on Romeo and Juliet (also starring Leo!), so maybe I'll love this one too. 

There are so many things Fitzgerald had to say about the American dream and materialism...I guess we'll have to wait and see how it translates on screen. My book club is heading out to see it next Friday night, and I can't wait!

If you haven't seen the trailer yet, I'll embed it below (you'll have to click over to the blog if you're viewing this from a reader or email):

Who else is excited for this one?

*Come by tomorrow, ready to share your best post of the week at the link party!


  1. It sounds interesting! I am definitely wanting to watch it. I prefer watching movies at home, though, so it will be a while for me. I am also interested in watching Anna Karenina and a few others that are already at Redbox. I need to start a list, I guess! I'm definitely in a movie watching mood lately.

  2. I am listening to the book now in anticipation of the movie. I have never read it and signed up for a reading challenge to catch up on reading classics. Enjoying being transported to a different age and time. Look forward to the movie! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  3. I am! I love Bahz Lurman's adrenaline-filled movies and would you believe I've never read the book yet?! I will, I promise, It's on my list. Anyway, hope you enjoy your Mothers day Amanda!

  4. It looks so good. I love that Tobey Mcguire is in this. Aren't they supposed to be like best friends? Him and Leonardo? Cool

  5. I'm super excited. I'm going to see it Sunday so I will be back to comment and let you know!

  6. It's fun to have a book club and you get to watch the movie of the book you are reading! It looks great from the trailer you picked out for us to watch.

  7. A complete addict with everything Gatsby! I too wrote about my addiction on my blog! Can't wait to see it!

  8. It's been so long since I've read it that I didn't even know I should be excited to see it. ;)

    Can't wait to hear your review.

  9. I loved reading Gatsby in high school AND college! And manic is a good word to describe Baz Luhrman's style--Moulin Rouge is definitely manic, as are parts of his R&J. But I love how his R&J ended, with Juliet waking up as Romeo was taking the poison instead of dramatic. :)

  10. Surprised!!! Two of my favorites in one...

  11. I haven't read the book, but supposed to go this week with a few friends...I just need an evening out!

  12. Oh wow...just watched the trailer, now I'm really hooked!


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