Monday, April 29, 2013

Spring Craft and DIY To Do List for 2013

Spray paint weather has finally arrived in Virginia! With a new puppy, some craziness at home, and a super-awesome stomach bug that has made the rounds, I haven't had much time to devote to my creative side lately. I'm hoping that making a list will help motivate me. Are you a list maker? Here's my personal crafty and DIY list for this Spring:

1. Finish cleaning and updating my vintage printer's drawer.
I scored this bad boy at a local flea market and have had the supplies to make a few changes for a couple of months now. Time to pull it out of the broom closet and work some magic!

2. Create some artwork for the area above my kitchen sideboard.

No, the Valentine's Day decor is not still up! But it's a better shot than the current area, which is piled up with bills, school papers, a dog food bowl (true story), and my camera. (blushing)

T's helping me with getting the kitchen painted. I. hate. painting. Hate! So once the walls are refreshed, I have something cute I want to try with my Silhouette SD and some cool IKEA frames. I think they will fill that area nicely.

3. Make nice with my sewing machine and the couch.

I finally put the PB slipcover on my couch...and it now totally needs to be unwrinkled and de-fuzzed. But I am not loving it with my old plaid pillows. Blech. I have tons of drop cloth material...I want to try some pillows with ruffles, stencils, etc. 

4. Whine until T builds a shelving area above the girls' desk in their room. 

Natalie and Michaela Byrd have a huge wall of unused space in their room above their desk. I'm hoping to convince T to help me build some nice shelves and an art/corkboard display area. I think it would really look cute and keep their stuffed toys off the floor.

5. Spray paint something!

Good grief, I don't keep a case of spray paint in the laundry room for nuthin'! Mama loves to spray paint stuff. I want to head out and find a small crate to fix up for the puppy's toys. They are worse than the kids'! Almost. 

I know for a fact that there about 50 other things I could/would like to add to this list. But I'm already feeling a little overwhelmed with stuff we have going on, so I'm going to leave it with these five things for now. 

What's on your to-do list for this Spring? I'd love to know!


  1. Lots of outdoor projects on our list at the Woodwards. Henry's birthday is in May, so it's a good motivator to finish up some projects - painting the back porch and garage entry door, mulching, and painting some yard furniture are the first things to come to mind. Definitely keeping us busy!

    Good luck with your project list! Seems doable!

  2. busy planning for my kitchen renovation for this summer. Working with a' cabinet design specialist', which I never knew existed, so I'm excited. And, oh, finishing up my boys bathroom!

  3. Ooh, that is a great list!! We are finishing up our porch renovation, so I am about to start spray painting, too! (Our deck chairs are in desperate need of some TLC!) I'm also hoping to finish building our bedroom closet, and maybe later this summer I will tackle our couch (it DESPERATELY needs some kind of slipcover action!). I'm looking forward to your posts! Good luck!!


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