Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Setting Reachable Goals for 2013 (My Resolutions)

Happy New Year, readers! So how did we get to 2013 so quickly? Do you love looking at the empty spaces on a new calendar and think of all the possibilities for the new year? I'll admit that I find it both exciting and daunting. I stopped making "resolutions" a long time ago because I felt like I was setting myself up for failure. But I do like to choose a few goals for the year to work towards. I can't say I was entirely successful in 2012, but here's to hoping that 2013 will be a better year. Here are a few of my personal goals for this year (home goals to follow another day).

Family and Home Life:

1. Spend more time reading and working with the girls
I'll be honest. Natalie's homework gets done, and we complete it together without waiting until the last minute...but we could definitely be spending more time working with some flashcards and expanding her reading skills. I like to give her time to decompress after school and dance, but we'll need to work some extra study time in too this year. Michaela Byrd has plenty of time after preschool to play, so we'll have a chance to reinforce some of the concepts she's learning in school this year. I want her to be ready when she starts kindergarten in the Fall!

2. Improve Accountability
Too often, I let the girls trash the place with their toys until I can't stand it any more. Then I flip out and end up cleaning up a bunch of it on my own. We need a chore system with rewards and punishments in place to ensure that our play area doesn't continue to look like a FEMA trailer park after a natural disaster.

3. Regular Meal Planning and Couponing
I still don't have the hang of couponing, but I'm excited to be part of the eMeals blogger team this year. Maybe they can get me on track with my meal planning! I tend to do it in spurts and then fizzle out. I think the key to real savings and success is going to be consistency.

4. More Family Time
T works a lot, but I'd love for us to do some more activities together as a family this year. I think I need to hit my Pinterest Boards and look for some fun, inexpensive things we can do.

5. Entertain
I think I shy away from this, particularly family-style events, because we have a small home. With the lack of a basement or separate play area (with doors), more than 3 or 4 children can tear through this place like a pack of Tasmanian devils in a matter of minutes. But that doesn't mean I can't host my Book Club or invite friends over more often for coffee or desserts. (Friends reading this, please keep me accountable!)

I think hospitality is more of an attitude than the space or things you can provide for your guests. 


1. Less caffeine.
I cut back on my vices, Coca-Cola and cafe mochas, in December. I have always been a big water drinker, but  I'm crossing my fingers that I can cut out some more caffeine without turning into a raging monster.

2. More disciplined Bible Study
I tend to sign up enthusiastically for each season's Bible study at my church, and then I let other things get in the way of devoting enough time to properly complete and focus on each lesson. And, really, what's the point of rushing through it all the night before the meeting? I want to be more disciplined with setting some morning time aside to be quiet and study without distractions all over the place.


1. Steer clear of the "Social Media Time Suck"
I did a pretty good job in 2012 of using Hootsuite to schedule all my blog promotion for Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. Any other updates that went up were usually just tossed on using my iPhone, so I didn't have a chance to sit and mess around stalking people. 

I do, however, have a Pinterest addiction. A well-meaning "I'll just add this real quick" turns into "ohmigosh how did I spend half an hour on here?". 

2. Less Stress
It is really, really hard to schedule to post consistent content here, every weekday morning, at 8:01 am on the dot. And let's not forget the weekend posts, which also go up regularly. 

The blogosphere has grown so much in the past few years, and I know readers' attention is divided so many ways. I'm tired of competing with everyone else. I'd rather focus on fun projects, updating my home, and my family (!!) than worrying about how my stats look or how many comments a post has. 

This is going to mean saying "no" to some campaigns I'd normally jump at. It might mean inviting a few more guest posters over from time to time, or maybe starting a series to Feature others. 

What about you? Have you set any goals for 2013?

If you enjoyed this post or found it helpful, I hope you'll click your "Pin It" button to add this post to Pinterest, or a +1 for Google+. 


  1. Happy New Year! You've set some great goals that are very obtainable. It's great that you are able to spend so much time working with your girls on skills. I'll bet that already you spend more time working with them than 99% of the population. Family activities is another great goal. I'll bet that you can come up with some fun things to do together that don't cost a bundle.

    I admire that you post daily and don't know how you do it. Perhaps you don't need a post every day. I think your readers will understand.

    I hope you come up with a few series for 2013. I always enjoy those.

  2. Hi!
    I'm new to following your blog and just wanted to say I swear we may be separated at birth! Every one of your goals sounds like something I need to work on, too! I look forward to reading your blog a lot more in 2013 and I wish us both luck on getting these goals accomplished!
    Thank you for sharing!

  3. Hey, Amanda! I just saw your photo on the Haven website. Gosh, I remember your little girl getting sick while you were at the 2012 Haven Conference...are you coming to the 2013 Haven?

  4. I don't do resolutions either, but I do have goals for this year. I'm still working on ironing out all the details, but I hope to get working in the next couple days.
    All the best with your goals!
    Debbie :)

  5. Great goals! Like you, I also want to start meal planning and spending more time with family. Hope you have a happy new year!

  6. Happy New Year, Amanda! As a teacher, I commend you for making it a priority to read with your kids...it makes such a huge difference. You're a good mama, even if your living room does occasionally look like the Tazmanian Devil just spun through a FEMA trailer park. ;)


I love to hear your feedback! Please feel free to leave comments...just don't send me spam asking me to buy stuff off your website! I've got three kids and no money to purchase your magic weight-loss pill or bust enhancement, or whatever else you might be selling. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you! :)

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