Monday, November 5, 2012

How to Keep a Leaning Frame or Sign in Place (Household Tip)

I have a Quick Tip for you today! I'll show you a 1 minute or less step that will prevent your leaning picture frames or signs from slipping and falling. They can be tough to keep in place if they're displayed in a high traffic area!
How to Keep a Leaning Frame or Sign in Place, from Serenity Now
*Please excuse the white drywall mud in the background. 
Hurricane Sandy left us with some damage that we're repairing!*

I have an awesome "Eat, Drink, and Be Merry" wood sign from Signs by Andrea that I keep on the top shelf of a hutch in our kitchen. Unfortunately, T also chose that spot as a designated station to stash his keys, wallet, and pocket knife. Keep in mind that we have a key holder next to the front door, but in his mind the hutch was a better storage spot. I can't tell you how many arguments we've had when he has tossed his stuff up there, knocked the sign loose, and the decorative items all come crashing noisily to the floor.

We've seriously had some category 5-world-war-3-divorce-level blow ups over the fact that I refuse to move my (my!) decorative items, and he refuses to find a new place to stash his stuff. 

I don't have to be bitter any more because over the weekend I gave it more than two seconds of thought and came up with a super simple solution that involves those grocery store twist ties that you can buy at the store or reuse from your shopping trips.
How to Keep a Leaning Frame or Sign in Place, from Serenity Now

It's this easy:
1. Thread the twist tie through the picture hanger.
2. If you have a support, twist the tie around and secure it. If you don't have a support, you could just use a small piece of masking tape, or a Command hook (if you don't want to hang the piece and want the "leaning" look).
How to Keep a Leaning Frame or Sign in Place, from Serenity Now

That was simple, huh? Now T and I don't have to get divorced over our silly disagreement! *Please note that this will work best for very lightweight objects. I wouldn't try to secure heavy canvases or metal signs with a twist tie, but it works great for my lightweight wooden sign!
How to Keep a Leaning Frame or Sign in Place, from Serenity Now

If you enjoyed this post or found it helpful, I hope you'll click your "Pin It" button to add this post to Pinterest, or a +1 for Google+. 


  1. Great tip, Amanda! And I'm glad you can avoid further arguments by using it. Isn't it amazing the silly arguments we married people can have? :)

    I'm pinning this tip for future reference. Thanks for sharing it!

  2. Very clever! It is nice to know that me and my hubby aren't the only ones who argue over silly stuff like decorations:)

  3. Don't you love when you have those duh moments when the solution just hits you? I used twist ties to keep lamp cords hidden on my hubbies night table. I was one of those times I felt soo smart for thinking of it! ; )

    Onto something completely unrelated - OMG The Walking Dead last night!!! Could you believe it? I was tearing up when T-Dog sacrificed himself and then the whole thing with Laurie just sent me over the edge and was nearly sobbing. haha Please tell me you cried too?? =)

  4. This is super clever. I don't really have anything behind my frames to tie them to, but you've got me thinking of how to solve the problem of the falling frames in my entry.

  5. Christina @ Floridays MomNovember 5, 2012 at 7:24 PM

    I love when ideas are so simple and practical. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Thanks for sharing! It is such a simple idea, but never thought of it :)

  7. Nice tip shared. Yes, I know about signsbyandrea, they have produced awesome and creative designs in signs.

  8. That's a great solution to a pesky problem.

    What is with men and keys? We have a basket on our kitchen counter for our keys. Someone's keys never, ever go in the basket.

  9. what a great tip thanks for sharing


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