Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Gallery Wall Inspiration and Ideas

One of the projects on my Fall DIY and Craft List is to work on a Gallery Wall for the area above our family room couch. Though Fall has thrown a wrench in some of my plans with a crazy schedule, sick kids, and "budget constraints," I've still had the project at the back of my mind. I have a few new things and some ideas, but bringing it all together still needs to happen. Today, I've got a great round-up of Gallery Wall Ideas and Inspiration for those of us who need some home decor help!
Gallery Wall Inspiration and Ideas

Please remember to Pin from the original sources (listed under the photo) so each person gets credit for his/her own work; thanks!

Here's a fabulous Gallery Wall Template:

Love this grouping of white frames:

Over the bed!

Neat scrolling frames:
Source: somewhatsimple.com via Amanda on Pinterest

Nice way to fill up empty space in a hallway:

How cool is the framed monogram?

Fabulously pulled together:

In a colorful nook:

Above a board and batten treatment:

Tips and Tricks:

Erin used "heirloom" photos, which is what I'm thinking:

Melissa is great at mixing things up without looking cluttered:

How to hang 'em:
Source: flickr.com via Amanda on Pinterest

A great guide for layouts:

How creative!

Up the stairs:

Another fab template:

She has a spot that can be switched out for a pop of seasonal fun:

Nice and symmetrical:

Tips for a stylish family gallery:

Love this "grid":

Do you have a gallery wall in your home? Any tips for us?

If you enjoyed this post or found it helpful, I hope you'll click your "Pin It" button to add this post to Pinterest, or a +1 for Google+. 


  1. Christina @ Floridays MomOctober 23, 2012 at 9:48 AM

    I'm obsessed with gallery walls! I probably have (or will have) one in almost every room in my house, big or small. They're just wonderful. Love the post with all the different ideas.

  2. This is a FAB collection of gallery wall examples! So inspired to redo my living room wall and create more :)

    xoxo, Tanya

  3. I am totally wrestling with collages for walls right now - for some reason I'm having anxiety about getting it "right"!! Your post couldn't be better timed!! Thanks so much for sharing all the inspiration photos and the great layout ideas!! It's a total Godsend at the moment!! Good luck with yours!

  4. What an AMAZING collection! Thank you so MUCH for compiling them all together for us! <3

  5. This is great! We just put one up in our living room. I still need to print all the pictures off to go in them but I am super excited about what the finish product will look like.
    My favorite inspirational picture you shared is the last one. I love how neat and orderly it looks. It also works as one whole piece of artwork. Very pretty!

  6. Thanks for the great inspiration. Like me, I have a super busy fall with soccer, work, painting a bedroom to get ready for a foster child, and the gallery wall just keeps getting pushed to the bottom of the list ugh!! I can't wait to accomplish this project. It needs some careful planning. Hope it moves to the top soon.

  7. These are great examples of gallery walls. I really love the gallery walls, can be very creative with them! Thanks for sharing!

  8. My favorite is the heirloom photo gallery. I'd love to do something like that going up my steps.

  9. I really like the look of a gallery wall, but my hubby isn't really a big fan. Our hallway might be a good spot for you. It's not a spot that you'd stare at all day. But I definitely like the look of a gallery wall that's more symmetrical than one that just has random pics and items thrown together. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do.

    Hope your little one was feeling better today! =)

  10. Pretty blog! I'm a new GFC follower :)

  11. Fantastic post! I couldn't pin (when I tried, it opened another tab with the same post...strange)so I've saved it to my favourites. Thanks for all the great links and tips!
    Debbie :)


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