Monday, September 24, 2012

Fall 2012 Reading List

So, I'll be honest. I don't do as much reading in the Fall and Winter because good TV comes back on and it's very important that I learn the fate of those fancy Brits on Downton Abbey and what's going on with the docs of Grey's Anatomy. But I do make time for reading in between dance classes, school pick ups, homework, housework, and crafty stuff because I enjoy it so much. Here's what's on my list to read so far:

1. Tim Gunn's Fashion Bible - Tim Gunn
Tim Gunn's Fashion Bible
This looks like a fascinating read to me! I looked it up on Amazon, and the description notes that Gunn reveals the history of fashion, from the ancient togas to corsets to power suits. Fashion often reflects the  economic and political undercurrents of the times...I'm anxious to see how Gunn ties everything together.

2. Gone Girl- Gillian Flynn
Gone Girl
My sis mentioned this one on Facebook, and it sparked my interest. Looks like a chiller!

3. Fearless Fourteen- Janet Evanovich
Fearless Fourteen
These are complete fluffy fun, but I enjoy the hi-jinks that Stephanie Plum gets herself into. And the Morelli. Yes, I enjoy the Morelli. This series is taking awhile because I tend to read one, read some other books, and then come back again.

4. Sippy Cups Are Not For Chardonnay- Stefanie Wilder-Taylor
Sippy Cups Are Not for Chardonnay
I'm currently reading this one for book club, and it is pretty hilarious. More applicable for moms-to-be or new moms, but a very funny read so far.

5. Choose Joy- Kay Warren
Choose Joy
We're doing this one for the Fall Bible study starting next month. It's only 4 weeks long, but should be great. I'm hoping to be encouraged!

For the girls

1. Finish the Junie B. Jones series
Junie B. Jones
We're getting ready to start Jingle Bells, Batman Smells! (P.S. So does May.) and there are only a couple of books left after that. I usually read a chapter or two before bed, and the girls love Junie B.

2. The Long Winter- Laura Ingalls Wilder
The Long Winter
Technically, we're listening to this series because I borrow all the CDs from the library. We listen in the car on the way to dance or to run errands. The girls adore these books as much as I did growing up. I have the series on our bookshelf, but will read them when they're a little older.

3. Story books!
Michaela Byrd is only 4, so we go to the library and I let her pick story books that she thinks look good. We also pick through our own shelves for Fancy Nancy, Berenstain Bears, Little Golden Books, etc. 

Do you have any good books on your to-read list?

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  1. I think it's great that your girls are reading Laura Ingalls Wilder. I loved her books growing up. My reading has been very slow lately. Right now I am reading John McArthur's Twelve Extraordinary Women of the Bible. After it I hope to start John Grisham.s latest book as well as an autobiography of one of the missionaries my husband and I have worked with in the Dominican Republic.

  2. Just finished Gone, Girl last night. SOOOOO good! Couldn't put it down. Now I am thinking of reading Before I Lay Me Down to Sleep. Let me know what you think of Gone, Girl...great plot and twists.

  3. Loved Laura Ingalls Wilder as a child too.
    To be honest, I haven't read a book in over 2 years...and I used to be at the library every 2nd week getting 6-8 books at once. I can't seem to find the time to read right now. Maybe this winter...
    Debbie :)

  4. Want to read Gone girl too, but so busy right now, got no time for some reading! Thanks for the r ecommendations!

  5. Oh how I love the Laura Ingalls books. My Mom gave me a box set of them all for my 9th birthday and I still have it. I need to get to reading my self... Thanks for the great suggestions! :)

  6. Definitely looking into the Sippy Cups book! And I'm the same way with the Plum novels.... time for another!

  7. I don't read as much in the fall either. I'm going to look for Gone Girl, that sounds great.

    I read Gap Creek by Robert Morgan this past weekend. It was so good that I finished it in less than 24 hours.

    I loved the Little House books as a kid and think that I could reread the series as an adult. It's great that your kids already enjoy reading.

  8. Your list looks good! Honestly, though, of all those books, I think I'd like The Long Winter best. I'm serious! There's something about reading Laura Ingalls Wilder's books that reminds me of how much I have and how blessed I am. :)


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