Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Shirley Temple x 2

Dear God in Heaven, what was I thinking?!
Yes, those are tap shoes.

My first mistake was taking Michaela Byrd with me to the local children's consignment sale in the Expo Center. It's like a giant circus of bargains. And my girl loves accessories just as much as I do. Which is a-LOT.

When her eyes landed upon the glorious (like-new) tap shoes for just $4, it was love at first sight. She. had. to. have. them. And when we saw some in Natalie's size, those had to come home with us too, because it would only be fair, right?

Yes, it's only right that if one girl gets to "tap" through the kitchen like a drunken clogger at a county fair, the other one should as well. 

My girls take ballet every week, but tap has eluded us thus far. I think I may looking into jazz/tap class for this summer to get it out of their system.

At least it's not drums, the recorder, or a violin, right?

Have you ever made a noisy parenting mistake?

Watch out, Shirley Temple...these two will give you a run for your money!


  1. I love this post! My daughter is the same way. Her little eyes light up every time we go to a consignment sale!!! As for dance, she will start ballet and tap dancing in the fall. Heaven help, all the kitchen "practice sessions!"

  2. Hehehe! Thankfully crocheting is nearly silent so I never bothered my mom with noise growing up. How fun are those tap shoes though?! And what a great deal you got too, I'll bet the girls would love to join a tap class & showcase their talents! P.S. Where in the world can you find Shirley Temple on TV anymore? I used to LOVE watching her when I was young! Thanks for the blast for the past! :-)

  3. How fun! And $4 is a steal! I bet they will love tap, and summer is the best time for tap lessons...that way they can practice outside when the tapping starts to drive you crazy! My boys have asked for drums before, but I'm not completely crazy yet...anyway, my boys are noisy no matter what they are doing:)

  4. I was such a huge fan of Shirley Temple. I still have some of stuff on VHS but I don't have a VCR anymore. I will have to look for some digital copies so my little girl can watch them. Thanks for the flashback.

  5. Oh dear!!! I can hear them now!!
    Once my brother bought a riding horse on wheels that made noise when you road it. I had hardwood floors at the time. Sigh!! I did get even. Ha!!

  6. The violen really is "how to drive your parents nuts in one easy lesson." Hopefully, you can avoid that one!

  7. I was a tap dancer and love it. My mom wouldn't pay for ballet I think because she didn't think you got as much for your money (no sound - haha). I recently purchased tap shoes (I am a fifty something) thinking it would be good exercise. Then I wondered where I could tap dance because you need a special floor for it, but I did a little down in the basement and now have plantar fasciitus :(. My shoes sit on the shelf...darn!

  8. Thank you for the big giggle and smile! I took tap for 14 glorious years! I now have a 12 year old electric guitar playing daughter and a 9 year old drum playing son...yes, I think I am a little crazy!! :)

  9. how cute! We've been through the recorder learning in 4th grade, sounded pretty bad at first but it got better, next year for 6th grade my daughter wants to play saxophone in band, I might have to send her out to the garage to practice.

  10. I predict that you might have just added two more dance classes per week to your busy schedule with the purchase of these shoes. I know they are having fun with them!

    My mom must have been smart, I only remember quiet toys!

  11. That's so funny! I have three daughters, and the youngest two would probably love tap shoes. Heck, I would like tap shoes. I'm your newest follower. Hope you'll stop by my blog one day!

  12. My oldest daughter is taking tap right now, and any time my youngest daughter gets ahold of those tap shoes, she heads straight to the tile floors in the bathroom! I guess she likes the acoustics. :)

  13. haha-i bought my now 11 yr old a pair of the squeaker shoes when she was about 2ish-oh how she loved them and oh how i regretted that purchase!! my girls would love to tap but so far i've been able to stay away from dance lessons-they'd jump at the chance if i offered though!


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