Monday, October 17, 2011

Salvation Army Shopping Inspiration

My friend Christy and I hit a few of our local thrift shops a few weeks ago in search of something special for an upcoming MOPS event we are planning. The Salvation Army near my house had all sorts of fun finds that were just begging to be made over. As my budgets for spending and craft-time are low right now, I decided to snap a few pics of our finds to share with you...rather than bringing them all home and listening to T yell at me for dragging in more STUFF.

How cool would these old theater seats be in a home media room?

Clearly, they are in desperate need of cleaning and fresh fabric. If I were building my dream home, I would snap these babies up and have them reupholstered (or figure out how to DIY the job). SA was asking $200....

This little side table/magazine rack is a little shabby right now, but I can imagine a fresh coat of white paint and a really cool modern stencil on the sides of the racks:

We spotted this small console table (piano bench!) in the back of the store.

It's a small piece, but those of us who don't have foyers or large entryways (me!) could use something like this to hold a basket of keys/mail and a picture frame. It was definitely more table height rather than bench height. Not a lot of storage, unless you pair it with...

...this neat basket.
All it needs is a coat of paint to modernize it a bit. You could stow hats, gloves, scarves, and mittens in there. And it would fit perfectly under the piano bench console table for that extra storage!

We thought this little nightstand would be another nice addition to anyone's home with a coat of paint:

This coffee table looks dated now, but like the other pieces, sometimes paint and updated styling are all that a thrifty find needs to make it fit into your home today!

Wasn't that fun? The thrifty-find-hunter in me wanted to bring some of those pieces home for rehab, but the common sense in me sent a reminder that I have plenty of projects waiting already!

I haven't been into our SA in a long time because I felt like I needed to complete more of the projects on my to-do list before planning any new ones. Sometimes it is very hit or miss with what you'll find, and my SA often seems to mark furniture up beyond what I think is a fair price for a thrift store...but it sure is fun to hunt!

Have you scouted out any cool thrifty finds lately?


  1. I hear ya! I stopped going for awhile too because all I need is more junk that is waiting to be turned into something lovely. I have been going more often lately though but I've been hunting props, clothes, and accessories. I figure if it's for work or something to wear I can go for it!

    Love those vintage theater about awesomeness!

    Kendra aka "Domestic Princess in Training"

  2. I did some damage at the Volunteers of America store last week....their stuff seems to be priced closer to what I consider "thrift store" pricing. I went to a Goodwill a couple weeks ago, and I was surprised by how random the prices were...some things that I thought would be high were really low, and vice versa. My Mother in Law use to be a store manager for Goodwill, and she said that there is a price sheet they have to go by, but that depending on condition, style, etc, they can use their own it varies depending on the person pricing.
    You found some fun items though...I like the theater seats and the magazine table.

  3. Good job in stopping yourself from taking on more than you can do right now. I don't always have that perspective, sadly :). I need to finish up all the things I have before adding to my pile anymore. The thrill of the hunt is a little addictive, though. Those theater seats were awesome!

  4. Wish you would have bought that basket and shipped it to me!! :) Love your finds!!

  5. That nightstand would be awesome painted a bright color! I had so much fun redoing some thrifty furniture last spring, but at some point you run out of room for any new {old} pieces of furniture!

  6. I could definitely use you around here to help me scout out some things to make over. My house is being for some personalization. I'm going to have to go to the Salvation Army near my house. Thanks for the inspiration Amanda!

  7. I love the Salvation Army. One of my favorite organizations in the world. Our SA thrift store here in town is a long way from me, but the truth is I'd rather support SA than some other organizations; maybe I should make the trip!

    Weren't you a smart girl to take photos and just dream about what could be done?? I'll bet T was proud of you for resisting the urge to buy!

  8. I'm really liking the entry table and basket. Cute stuff!

  9. Love seeing what's out there at the thrifts since I am on a thrifting diet, haa-haa. Great finds!

  10. All very fun stuff, except that coffee table might be a leetle bit too Lucy and Ricky move to the country house.....

  11. you are good, i would have bought so many of those pieces! wowzers!!! great finds!

  12. I really like the table with the side pockets. That would be so cute with very little work.

    My mom and I went to bunches of thrift stores in my area a few weekends ago and didn't find much at all. Mama is kind of tainted because she has done a lot of thrift shopping in Florida where the stores are loaded with good stuff. Snowbirds retire there, pass away, and then their kids take the house contents to Goodwill. She says that you wouldn't believe what you can get for next to nothing in Florida!

    You were smart not to be tempted to buys something until you truly have time to work on it.

  13. I rarely hit the thrift stores in St. Louis anymore, everything seems overpriced... Boo.

    Love those theatre seats!

  14. Now I know I got a great deal. I bought a set of maroon theatre seats at a garage sale earlier this summer. They still have the brass plates with the seat and row numbers on them. I paid $40!!


I love to hear your feedback! Please feel free to leave comments...just don't send me spam asking me to buy stuff off your website! I've got three kids and no money to purchase your magic weight-loss pill or bust enhancement, or whatever else you might be selling. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you! :)

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