Monday, May 23, 2011


One afternoon not too many weeks ago, Natalie and I returned home from ballet class to find that T was in the final stages of putting a brand new swing set together for the girls.

I would have loved to buy one of those really neat play structures with the tree house/rock wall/see-saw, but our budget allowed for something much smaller. I shouldn't have worried though, because the girls were most thrilled with the box that the set came in...until T got the swingset finished up.

They used sticks from the yard to "paddle" poor Emma across the deck. I don't think she was particularly amused.

The makeshift canoe was abandoned once the set was complete. It's okay because I don't think it would have been truly seaworthy anyways.

My new business cards should read "Amanda T, certified mom and swinger." I'm just about the best swinger this side of the Mississippi. (And I mean playground swingset swingers, for those of your minds in the gutter-shame!)

Natalie's preschool will be letting out this Friday, and I foresee a lot of summer time divided between our backyard and the pool at the end of the block. We had to pay pool dues, but good old-fashioned swinging (on swingsets!!) never goes out of style, and it doesn't cost a dime.

{Have you made any worthy "summer investments" for your home or family?} 


  1. Your dog is sooo cute! Don't worry. That swing set will get plenty of use. We have one of the wooden ones, but it was a hand-me-down from the cousins. Our next door neighbors have one like yours, and I swear it gets more use than ours!

  2. i don't know-your dog looks pretty happy in the picture :) almost like a smile! my kids love our swing set-we just have a small one too-we got it when we only had my first daughter-and it's used every day in nice weather! have fun!

  3. Looks like the box and the swingset were a big success! Maybe not for the dog, but definitely for the girls.

    Swinging is one of my kids favorite activities, but we only have one tree swing for all three kids. I think I would loose my mind trying to push all three anyway.

    The only summer sanity "purchases" I have made are VBS registration and a lengthy trip to both Grandparents' houses for mini vacations.

    Have fun swinging!

  4. Oh, I used to love swinging on a set like that (only we didn't have a slide). We used to try to swing so high that the legs would come out of the ground. Dad didn't like that game much. :) Yay for summer and swinging.

  5. I love the picture of your little girl pushing her big sister on the swing. Too cute! My friends and I used to try to swing high enough to flip over the never happened, though! Sounds like you've got your summer plans all ready. Swinging and swimming, with an ice cream treat, nothing's better than that!

  6. How cute is that! Kids and boxes, I tell ya! :) And that photo of your dog sitting in the front of the box is adorable! Great new toy!

  7. Looks like they had a ton of fun! Emma's a good sport. We have a very similar swingset, although ours came with a seesaw on the end that is now broken.

    I want to get a sand and water table and an inflatable pool to get through the summer. I think if we had those we'd be pretty set.

  8. First of all – nothing says fun like a big box. Second look how much they heart that swingset! The pictures were perfect – it all said love. And it made me smile. Thank you for that. God bless and keep you and your hubs and your swingers.

  9. Your dog stole my heart. SO PRECIOUS!

  10. My kids would love to have their own swingset too, but I don't think I'd ever get anything done outside again because they'd want me to push them all the time! I love the pictures of your kids pushing the dog in the box, so cute. :)

  11. I do love to swing. We had a set that was much like that one (except all kinds of metal dangerousness). Happy memories indeed.

  12. Lovely post. I LOVE swings!!!

    We just got our 18-month-old son a mom-powered trike -- it's so much fun!

    Of course, it'll become un-mom-powered when he's big enough to pedal for himself. : )

    Kelly @ Creating a Family Home

  13. Boxes are so much fun! I remember making a playhouse for my sons out of an appliance box.
    The swing set is a great idea, and it gets the girls outside for exercise.

  14. I'm a pretty good swinger myself. . . or at least I used to be. . . maybe I could come visit. One of us could push Natalie; the other could push Michaela Byrd. What do you think??

    Swingsets are part of happy memories in my brain. Way to go, T! And Mrs. T, too!

  15. The last time I got on a swing at the park and got going really high, I about threw up! Age has made me a poor swinger! ;)

  16. I'm loving the picture of them in the box with the dog. How creative and imaginative are they? I adore that!

  17. Ha ha! As my blog says..."The Best Things in Life are Free". :) Enjoy your summer together as a family. Cherish every moment. :)

  18. You are hilarious, you swinger! What great pictures and adorable pictures.

  19. Your girls are going to have so much fun with their new toy this summer! I still swing when I get a chance. Too bad middle schools don't have playgrounds, then I could swing any old time!

  20. Ha! My mom always said we preferred the boxes our toys came in too!! I know the girls will enjoy countless hours, and make wonderful memories on their new swingset this summer!! Enjoy.

  21. It looks like they are loving those swings! My boys spend house playing in their clubhouse and swinging on their swings! I'm just glad they figured out how to swing by themselves so I'm not constantly pushing them:)

  22. Swinging is the best!!! As were big boxes when you were little! ;) What creative girls making a canoe!! :)

  23. My daughter is MOST amused and entertained by any large, empty box. She begs us not to throw the boxes away after we unload from a trip to Costco!

    I wish we had a swingset! My kids think our yard is so boring!


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