Sunday, May 8, 2011

More Highlighted Links--Share Your Best Post!

Good morning, friends! If you're here to link up to Weekend Bloggy Reading, it's open for new links until 10 pm (ET) tonight. Please share your best post of the week with us...crafts, recipes, home decor, book reviews--all kinds of posts are welcome. If you join up and link back to me within your post (with a link back or my party button, whichever you prefer), you'll earn an extra entry in the Craft Supply Giveaway from ChiChi Kids.

Happy Mother's Day to all you mamas out there! As I write this on Saturday night, I can't say that we really have any plans because T will be working most of the day, and my mom is expecting "her" time. If I am lucky, maybe I can get the girls to play quietly by themselves so I can read a magazine or something. I hope your day is more exciting than that!

Here are a few links from Weekend Bloggy Reading that caught my eye!

~Dresser and Mirror Makeover

~Ice Cream Sandwich Cake

~Clothespin Chandelier

~Adorably Fun Playroom Tour

~Good Reminder to Keep up with the House

~Herb Gardening- Starting Small

*Please, if you haven't already, take a few moments to visit a few of the other links from the party if you linked up this weekend. I love hosting, and I love commenting on posts...but it's no fun for anyone if we just have stale links sitting around. Get out there and find some fun reads! {wink}

Did I feature you today? If the answer is "yes," feel free to grab this button for your sidebar!
Featured At Serenity Now


  1. Aww, thanks for featuring my dresser! You're so sweet (: Happy Mother's day! Hope you have an amazing day with you adorable family. You deserve it!

  2. Hope your having a wonderful Mother's Day Amanda!

  3. This my be a repeat as I got an error with my first try. I hope you had a very nice Mother's Day and I also hope that T. came home from work with a nice gift for you.

  4. Wohoo! Thanks for the feature, Amanda. My Mother's Day was nice ... my idea was for my hubby to take care of the kids this afternoon while I read a book & drank my coffee drink but the reality was not quite as I had envisioned. Oh well - I am lucky he was home today!

    I am off to visit some links while I watch some Sunday night TV... thanks again! :)

  5. Hope you had a great Mother's Day Amanda! Thanks for hosting this link party every week. I love visiting new blogs and I love that you visit blogs that people link up! Thank you again :)

  6. AW - thank you SO much for featuring my herb garden:) I feel so honored!!! I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!!!

  7. Happy Belated Mother's Day to you as well!

    P.S. Your comment cracked me up- "You took a really hideous piece and made it lovely." Mainly because as soon as we saw it we were so excited because we knew it was going to look great. Hideous never crossed my mind, but when I looked at the before I had to laugh and totally shake my head in agreement. :)

    Hope you have a lovely and blessed week.

  8. I bet your two wonderful girls were just dolls for you today. Well, I am sure they at least tried, they are still young. Happy Mother's day Amanda, I really think you are a great mom, and someday those two girls will be able to make your day as special as you are.

  9. Oh how fun, Amanda! What a nice surprise to visit your blog and find I've been featured! Thanks :-) So, did you at least get to read a magazine for Mothers Day?! thanks again,

  10. Wow, there's some insane tallent out there. I love the the clothespin chandelier!


I love to hear your feedback! Please feel free to leave comments...just don't send me spam asking me to buy stuff off your website! I've got three kids and no money to purchase your magic weight-loss pill or bust enhancement, or whatever else you might be selling. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you! :)

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