Tuesday, November 2, 2010

And Then There Was One

It's totally your fault. Your kind comments regarding my Candy Corn Problem made me feel free and uninhibited in my gluttony. And I totally just ate that last one too.

But not to worry...

Because on Halloween, after a little of this

and a lot of this (yes, that is the Griswolds' house, and yes, my mother in all her wisdom gave them each a cupcake after Trick or Treating)

I have some of this

My refined palette only allows me to choose the good stuff.

PS. If I don't return emails today, it's because I have possibly slipped into a diabetic coma and the girls and dogs have taken control of the house.

PPS. I missed writing about Halloween yesterday because of the super terrific Silhouette Product Giveaway! Stop by and enter to win some neat products and get a 25% discount on all Silhouette Accessories!

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  1. Isn't that what Grandma's are for? That is a hoot that she gave the girls a cupcake after the trick or treating. It at least has some flour in it right? Not all sugar. The girls looked so cute!

  2. Cuties! I use to love going through the kids Halloween loot! Glad you have a full jar again!

  3. The kids' Sunday School teacher gave them each an enormous cupcake with about 2 inches of frosting! There was no way I was letting them eat it along with their 1/2 lb of candy (see today's post), so I put them in the freezer for another time.
    Your girls looked so cute!

  4. No comas, please. We like you too much to lose you. :)

    What adorable trick-or-treaters your girls were! No wonder they got a big haul!

  5. I can keep away from the Candy Corn, the chocolate, however, is a completely different story!! Mine isn't in a cute glass pumpkin though, it is safely hidden in my sock drawer!!

  6. Your little Dorothy is so cute! Well they both are of course, but love seeing such a non-typical costume! :)

    We actually went out and bought some 50% off candy yesterday! :P We ran out and I *needed* some bite-sized junk! *lol*

  7. I loved all the Dorothy costumes this year! I think they're so cute!

    Looks like a great time and I wish I had candy to show for it, too! (However, it would surely be gone by now...)

  8. I love the costumes! Both are so cute!!

    I caved and refilled my pumpkin jar with candy corn. It's only a matter of time before it's gone. I'm glad that it will be out of the stores soon!

  9. cute costumes! i've been eating way too much halloween candy-chocolate and candy corn!

  10. You are cracking me up as usual! Your girls are so adorable. I'm glad I don't like candy corn - too bad I LOVE chocolate, though.

  11. You're so funny. I always love your posts! The costumes are great. I remember my grandma used to give us donuts on halloween, much to my mom's dismay. I always loved it though (:

  12. What cute pictures of the girls! So sweet! I am totally jealous that Michaela Byrd toted a basket with Toto. E refused! They look adorable! I'm with ya on the good candy too. If it doesn't contain chocolate, I don't bother. Although, candy corn would be the exception to the rule.

  13. I had to laugh because I was sitting here eating the last of the candy corn when I was reading your post. I might be slipping into a coma any minute, myself...or at least a bad sugar crash. Ha.

    Love that your mom gave them cupcakes, just in case they didn't get enough sugar... :-)

  14. Your girls are too cute! You all must still be riding that sugar high!


  15. Wow, they made quite a haul and then got cupcakes to boot! Great Halloween for them and for you as well :-)

  16. Awww the girls looked SO cute!!!! There has been way too much sugar consumption around here the past couple days. haha!

  17. This post made me smile. One, because I had a seriously similar costume to your littlest as a kiddo. Two, because of your candy and refined palette. I had to take all the leftovers to work to get it away from me - I have no willpower. And, candy corn? Forget about it. I'd eat a bag by myself in one sitting. Okay, I've totally done it.

  18. Hahahaha ...Candy Corn BINGE! Surprisingly - there weren't any candy corns around our house this year. The trick-or-treaters are lucky I remembered to get any candy at all before the big night!

  19. You are too funny. Love it! Congrats on your Hobby Lobby~I need to come up and go shopping with you...I miss HB so! :)

  20. Your girls are too cute in their costumes! I love the Dorothy outfit and the cute ruby slippers:) My mom let my boys eat a TON of candy after they got back from trick or treating!


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