Monday, October 11, 2010

Thank You, Mr. Columbus

Dear Mr. Columbus,
I would like to personally thank you for your Geographical miscalculations, which ended in the 1492 Discovery of the New World, its colonization, and eventually the building of a Target in my hometown.

Today, I shall celebrate your monumental discovery by making a few discoveries of my own...namely those of a commercial nature.

Thanks again, Chris!
Love, Amanda

I'm hitting a few sales today. Mama needs a new sweater dress!

{How about you? What are your plans for Columbus Day?}

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  1. That is so funny!!!!!

    Hope you get some good stuff today!!!!

  2. Haha! Hope you get some great deals! :-) I'll be working my lovely dead end job today & wishing I were home w/ hook & yarn in hand instead...such is life. :-)

  3. Have fun commemorating!

    My kids are out of school today. Too bad we're not out of town doing something really cool. . . but my 17-year-old took the SAT on Saturday, so we've been at home. Still, it was nice to sleep a little later this morning!

    Good luck with your shopping!

  4. Amanda, you always make me laugh!! I too, am so grateful for the Target in my town! Hope you find an incredibly flattering and very snuggly sweater dress.

    My kiddos have, count 'em... two days off! Today we have a friend coming over, whose mommy is a new Daisy troop leader. I, being the experienced used to be Daisy, now Brownie troop assistant, am going to help her with a couple projects. Then we are going to the movies. On Tuesday we are either going to the big pumpkin patch or the state fair. Haven't decided which yet...

  5. Funny:-) I'm going to Target to get some of their plastic bins on sale and then Michaels to get some frames. Heyoooo sales!

  6. I'm just glad that our school district didn't give the kids a day off...they must not be all that thankful for Target!

  7. Girl, you are too funny! Happy shopping! Hope you find some great deals! Be sure and show us what you find!

  8. That's funny! Unfortunately this is not a holiday my company I'll be at work (reading blogs) all day! Find something good for me!

  9. I get the day off from work! I think we are just going to hang out, still trying to recover from my mini vaca! I hope you find a dress!

  10. go girl! Have fun with your discoveries at Target!

    We are doing some cleaning...some more recovering from an unending cold...and some more organizing.

    LOTS of fun here! LOL

    Have a great Columbus Day!

  11. Anytime there's a good reason to go to Target... I'm all for it!

  12. I hope you discover some great deals! I found a wonderful sweater dress at Marshall's! I can't wait for it to cool off a smidge more to wear it with some cool tights...soooo...don't forget the tights while you're out!

  13. haha..
    I hope you're getting some great deals!!

  14. Too funny! Hope you discovered something cool @ Tarjay. ;)

    Happy Columbus Day!

  15. You crack me up!! Hope you had some good luck at the sales :)

  16. Too funny Amanda! I guess I better thank Chris for our Home Goods and Target. Have fun, I hope you find what you are looking for.

  17. You are so stinking cute! Hope you scored some good stuff!

  18. I didn't even realize that Monday was a holiday until a few students asked why our school didn't have the day off. (We never have in the 20 years that I've been there.) It would have been perfect weather for a 3 day weekend.

    Did you find a sweater dress? I got an awesome one at the beach at Dress Barn for a very cheap price. My last sweater dress had gigantic shoulder pads!!


I love to hear your feedback! Please feel free to leave comments...just don't send me spam asking me to buy stuff off your website! I've got three kids and no money to purchase your magic weight-loss pill or bust enhancement, or whatever else you might be selling. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you! :)

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