Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Spa Night Out for Moms

Y'all have listened to me blather on about my MOPS group for ages now, and some day I'll share my story with Mothers of Preschoolers. But one of the reasons I love my group so much is that we get together on a regular basis outside of the twice-monthly meetings at the church.

At the beginning of the summer, my friend Michelle hosted a simply fab-u-lous spa night in her gorgeous home (a blog tour of her house is on my list!) and I've been meaning to share details of the night with you.

Michelle really nailed the Zen chic atmosphere. Check out her kitchen island:

It's not a MOPS event if food is not involved:

We started the evening with a yoga class in Michelle's cavernous basement. I lasted five minutes before I decided to come upstairs and hit the beverage station:

While we hung out, we got to do paraffin wax dips on our hands...so soft!

For girls too pooped after a day of chasing bebes around, there were cucumbers galore.

I love simple get-togethers like this that don't cost a ton of money and offer plenty of opportunity for good conversation. Looking back at these pictures makes me so excited that our meetings start back over the next couple of weeks.

{Have you had time for a girlie get-together lately?}

Linking to The CSI Project.
Visit thecsiproject.com

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  1. What a fun night! I wish I was in a MOPs group….oh wait, I don’t have kiddos yet. Do they have such a thing as WWCBHTHTS (Women Without Children But Hope To Have Them Soon Group). ;o)

    Ps.....I’m suppose to go to a yoga class tonight. I know everyone rants and raves about yoga so I’m going to give it one more try. Can you tell I’m not super excited about it?

    Kendra aka “Domestic Princess in Training”

  2. What a fun party! We all need a little pampering sometimes! Sooo jealous of that kitchen!!! I wouldn't know what to do with all of those cabinets!

  3. Oh how fun! I love spa parties, especialyl ones where you can stuff your face. ;-P Oh, & what in the world was that chocolate mousse thing on the counter?!?! It looked delicious! :-)

  4. Looks like you ladies had a great time. I'm throwing a spa party for my daughter's 10th birthday... for some reason I don't think I will be able to relax to much. :)

  5. That looks like such a fun time! I love the cucumbers on the eyes...I could use that right now!

  6. Holy moly that dessert looks delicious! Is there a recipe for that scrumptiousness? Looks like you ladies had a wonderful time!

  7. Looks like so much fun! That's a great idea for a party or excuse for a girls night.

  8. Thanks for visiting my blog! What a great idea the Spa Night, loved the Zen kitchen island! I'm your new follower!

  9. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my party idea.

    I just love this. I wish I lived closer to you so that I could come next time!!

  10. Looks like a lovely relaxing evening. Haven't had one of those in a while.

  11. So fun! I'm already planning the themed parties I'm going to throw with other new moms in the area....that is as soon as I'm actually a new mom (due date is tomorrow!!) I'm thinking after 9 dry months a cocktail party would be fun, with everyone bringing their favorite recipes.

  12. Sounds like fun! I need to find a group like that!!

    (And thanks for stopping by and leaving the sweet comment on my blog.)


  13. I came to your blog from thebigmamablog. Serenity is what I crave! I also have 2 girls (8 and 6) and I also love girly get togethers with yummy food and drinks. I used to be part of a book club that met every month with snacks and wine. Seeing your post makes me want to get it going again!

  14. this is so cool! I love that you had a yoga class. What an amazing get together.

  15. this is so cool! I love that you had a yoga class. What an amazing get together.

    And, you totally deserve it. Moms have one of the hardest jobs in the world.

    Love that bamboo, too.

  16. I'm with you! This is the way to unwind and share in some friendship and fun.

  17. more details about the parrafin in the ziplocks. planning a girls night out soon.

  18. what a fun night. I really need to plan something like this for just myself :)

  19. That looks like a heavenly way to spend an evening! Good for you all for treating yourselves to friendship and fun.

  20. Hey Amanda, This brings back many fond memories when the boys were babes and the local moms had their standing fun nights. Lots of home demo parties and tons of fun too. Thanks for sharing this lovely fellowship!

  21. Sounds like fun. And I love the title of your blog. :)

  22. This looks like so much fun. I am in desperate need of a girls' night just like this one!!!

  23. This looks like a fun evening with the girls! I'm really curious about the parrafin wax hand treatment. That sounds heavenly.

    I hope you are checking things off of your "to do" list this week. I know you've been super busy.

  24. Great idea! I would love to have a spa party!!! Visiting from CSI!!

  25. Hi Amanda, this is so fun, what a great idea, gosh I would love to be invited to one of these, and even host one. Great ideas, and I love yoga. I would love for you to share this lovely relaxing idea with my readers at my new party ** AMAZE me AUGUST**, I just found you through one of your comments, about linking back to your blog, cuz it was still small, but I think it's pretty big, like 600 times bigger than mine, he he, so I would TOTALLY love the support, you know what Im saying girl, right? I am your newest happy follower, and have saved your party to my list. Thanks again, Bella :)

  26. That looked like so much fun! Okay, you HAVE to tell us, what was that fabulous looking desert with reese cups on top?!!!


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