Monday, August 30, 2010

Where the (Blogging) Magic Happens...

Oh, well, hello there. Fancy meeting you here!

Kate is asking bloggers everywhere to link up at Centsational Girl today to share about the spaces that they blog in. So today, I am coming to you live from the T family kitchen.

I'd love to tell you that I write from one of these fancy spots I swiped from
Home Office- Pottery Barn traditional home office
Home Office Inspiration traditional home office
white cottage office organization traditional home office

...but it's the kitchen for me. Specifically, our worn, countrifiedish table.

I like to keep it real.

In all honesty, I only wear those glasses for important things like driving at night or watching the small screen TV. And you can totally tell I've got The Frizz going on. I also don't normally decorate my table with small alligator hair clips and hairbows, but Natalie decided it might be fun to try dreadlocks on herself and Michaela Byrd earlier and those clips were the only thing holding her dream together.

The kitchen actually works pretty well for me. I keep the laptop shut as much as possible while the girls are awake, but the kitchen's central location makes it easier for me to hear and break up the daily fights over who is and is not a princess. There's usually a folder or notebook out for whatever I'm currently working on, whether it's for the blog or my MOPS group.

My major issue is the lack of scenery in here. If you have a keen eye, you can see I have some paint chips out. I don't hate the yellow walls, but they've been up for 5+ years now and I'm ready for a change. I'm thinking gray.

Once upon a time, there was a large framed print of Van Gogh's Cafe Terrace at Night on the long wall behind my chair. Love the painting, but didn't love the size or frame in my kitchen. So now I have a big, blank wall just waiting to be accessorized. (I've been collecting white plates and platters for several months.) I think it's a plan!

So there you have it. It's not much, but I've cooked up a few good blog posts in here.

{Where do you blog (or read blogs)?}

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  1. Ah, those pictures you posted capture my 'dream' workspace too! I keep it real too and blog from a tiny computer hutch from Staples on a dinning room chair! LOL, very fun link up!

  2. Amanda--after reading your comment about my PB knock-off curtains, I went to your blog and TOTALLY COPIED YOUR CURTAINS! I hope you are flattered, rather than offended.:) I actually moved them up to my bedroom, where I was in the process of a makeover, anyway. They look terrific! I gave you credit and posted pictures on my blog this weekend. Thank you!

  3. With young children, it is so absolutely neccessary to be near them to jump in when needed. But I want to know, who is, and who is not a princess? (Funny girl!)

  4. Thanks for inviting me over! sounds like you have a post waiting to happen after you do a mini makeover on your kitchen to cheer you up! shouldn't be too hard..I just did one myself last week and blogged about it, so come back and check it out. I never LOVED my kitchen but am pretty pleased with the minor but major changes!

  5. I have an office/studio that I blog from. I love it!!

    But there are frequently toys scattered on the floor... :)

  6. I love your post! Kudos for keeping it real too. We have the same taste in rooms-I heart your choices that you borrowed online!

    Thanks for coming by and for your kind words about my room. It does not always look like that! LOL

  7. I think the white plates and platters would be stunning on a grey wall!

    Thanks for checking out my blog today :)

  8. I'd have to clean all the toys off of my table to be able to blog there. I'm usually on the couch or my favorite chair with the laptop.

    The gray would be pretty with all the white platters and plates.

  9. Kitchen is a good place to blog from. That is the heart of the home.

  10. Very nice! I'd probably blog from our kitchen too, if there was room in there!!

  11. I was hoping you would link up! I love seeing where you blog:) That's a great idea to keep a project notebook- my mind swims with everything- need to write it down! And I love those images you posted- swoon!

  12. I love your blogging spot! Mine is the recliner in our living room. My favorite spot! hubby has given me part of the upstairs office to make my own! I am so if I can only get a chance to work on it...

  13. My kitchen was my workspace for years...till my new work area redo. Love the blog! Thx for your visit!
    Jana Dover

  14. Haha, listen to you! The FRIZZ going crack me up. Well, I just so happen to think you look CUTE! I like your little side-pony and glasses : )

    Have a blessed day, you sweetie!

  15. I love seeing where other people work and spend their days, so fun! I'm definitely headed over to link up to the party!

    And *sigh*, those inspiration photos! I get a new space this fall and I can only hope it will be half as nice as any of those!

  16. There's no better space than dining room/kitchen central for blogging, right? The benefits of a mobile laptop, love it ! Thanks so much for linking up today, this is so much FUN!

  17. Hi Amanda
    I love this post! Honest! I love the picture, I think you look great with glasses! I can't wait to see what else you've cooked up here! Love it!

    off to check out the rest of you colorful blog!!

  18. Ah, I DID notice the paint chips! Do a grey wall. They're so pretty.

    Thanks for the peek at my "office."

  19. I love the mobility of a laptop but I just don't like them - but looking at where most of you do your blogging, I'm a little jealous. I love the yellow walls, but I had them in my house for a while and got sick of them, too. And, I love gray!
    Visiting from Kate's party where I linked up too.

  20. Love the inspiration pics and the kitchen table is a perfectly great spot to share your goodness with the world!

  21. Love it! Very realistic!..Christine

  22. The kitchen sounds like a good blogging place to me. I blog in mine every once in a while when Dave is playing war games on the computer for what feels like hours. I love the picture of you. You look so cute in glasses. Just what does your t-shirt say about my husband??

  23. Amanda, ...I LOVE the home office photos you put up & although my office is large - I never got around to making it look pretty - But, in my next house ... which hopefully will be soon... I am definitely going to do something pretty! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  24. Amanda, Love this post. I like to keep it real too.

  25. There's nothing wrong with a good central location. But I also loved the first "dream office" you posted!

  26. What great inspiration pictures - it's always nice to see it "real" though.

  27. Oh you and I have the same color kitchen. I like the yellow. Funny thing is that we had a lemon yellow at our old house and the new owners painted it gray. It made it feel cold. But, then again, our home office (also shared on Kate's site) is a warm gray beige, and I love it!

    Thanks for sharing.


  28. I love that photo of you at your computer! So pretty.

    And you are so dang funny!

  29. You are so cute! Wish I had a laptop so I could blog anywhere. I think gray would be a great choice. Thanks for your comment on my space.

  30. Well isn't it nice to see you! Great post...very cute.


  31. I think you look so cute in your glasses and ponytail at your laptop! It's interesting to see how many bloggers work at their kitchen tables and counters. Who knew? I always have to hide behind closed doors to get any work done around here. Even then, the kids always track me down... :-)

  32. I would love, love, love to have one of those amazingly organized and well utilized spaces offices!! Mine is old desk barely hanging on and me not being inspired to use it!!!

    PS: You look adorable in your cute specs :)

    Shopper Gal

  33. Cute post and so are you! Your big bottle of water is reminding me that I need to drink more, thanks.
    I think white frames and plates on that wall would be great!

  34. Seems you and I hit up the same link parties!

    Thank you for liking my title!! haha it's so funny though because it actually works! I haven't had one knock on my door! SO YAY!

    Thank's for stopping by! I'm your newest follower =)

  35. Love the first picture of you. You are just too cute. Looks like a perfect location. we have an office and I never use it. I spend my time in the living room with the dogs, the hubs and the laptop. =)

  36. it's all personal preference right? In a perfect world, we'd all hve designer spaces :)

  37. I too noticed your paint chip. When you start re-doing your room, are you going to re-do your table or get a new one? I think a light grey paint, white plates on the walls and a Black/Cherry table similar to this one at Overstock. So cute!

  38. I personally think that the alligator clips and bows are a nice touch!


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