Monday, August 2, 2010

The Face of Evil

Remember how my mom's evil cat attacked me for no reason last month?

I didn't get rabies, but my leg still looks like a serial killer tried to saw my leg off with a serated knife.

So imagine my joy when my mom asked me if I'd be willing to feed and water Mr. Darcy (alleged evil cat) while she visited my sister in Texas for a week and a half.

I'll be honest.

I said "no" until she offered me some financial compensation. Not much, but enough to fuel my Starbucks addiction while I am out of town later this week.

But the job didn't come without its perils. Most cats would be best friends with the woman who dedicated her life (or 10 minutes a day) to feeding them. I had this furry face and those strange, google eyes staring at me every day, contemplating my demise.
Someone named Mr. Darcy ought to have much better manners.

Because my duties with Mr. Darcy have been completed, I get to move on to other fun stuff now!

Tomorrow, I have a fabric craft to share for The CSI Project's latest challenge. T and I celebrate 9 years of marriage on Wednesday, and then I ditch him on Thursday to head to Orlando for the annual MOPS Convention. Two friends and I get to stay at the Gaylord Palms and attend some neat workshops. Any readers going to be there? I get 4 days of kid-free adventure in a place that is going to cause me to suffer from The Frizz. It is totally worth it.

I have a faaaabulous Giveaway scheduled for Thursday! You won't want to miss it. It's a surprise, but I'll give you a hint. Her Cottage is Shabby, but it is also Chic.

Two lovely ladies will be sharing guest posts while I am gone so you have something fun and crafty to check out while I am gone.

A big week here, no?

{What are you up to this week?}

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  1. Have a great anniversary this week!!
    You will have a great time at the GP..and yes, it's frizz city here!

    I hate to tell you..but my cat looks just like Mr Darcy :)

  2. LOL! That is truly the face of evil. Eeeevillll! Several years ago I had to take care of my mom and step-dads evil dog, Bobie (he has since passedon, but not before taking a piece of my flesh with him). I stayed at their house and he too had no respect for the fact that I took precious moments out of my laying around the pool, sitting in the hot tub and watching far too much tv time. This was pre-Indy of course. What I wouldn't give now to have time to lay around the pool, sit in the hot tub and watch too much tv!
    I hope you have a great time in Orlando!
    This week I will be...recovering from the big fat pirate party, cleaning my much neglected house and gearing up for Indy and I to start homeschool next week. Oy!

  3. Ahhh, run screaming from the room, that cat is...well adorable:-) Glad you survived the care of Mr. Darcy and have lived to write about it, LOL! Very exciting week here, cannot wait!

  4. What a great week you have coming up! I hope you have a wonderful anniversary and a great time at the MOPS convention. That sounds like fun!

    What is it with us dog-lovers? Do cats instinctively know that we're not that fond of them??

  5. I would be totally scared to death, having to come into the house, with him. Girl, he looks like he is really planning his next attack.

  6. Oh wow! So glad you survived "evil cat" time! I have been through those kinds of experiences in the past so I can relate...

    this week...hmmm...we will be dealing with next steps of what to do with our "van situation" after my car accident on Friday. Ouch! Could really use your prayers! I wrote about it this morning if you want more details...

    So we wait on the insurance company to decide the future of our van...(only source of transportation for our family)...pick up the short term rental car...pray a for my son's back to school stuff so he can start school next week...and recover and love on each other.

    Hope you have a wonderful time at MOPS in Florida!

  7. Happy Early Anniversary! I hope you have fun at your convention!

  8. Don't you love a week where you have to look forward to so much? I am a cat lover and I just love a black cat, especially with a long tail. Mr. Darcy probably just misses his Mama and is mean because of that.

  9. Happy Anniversary! I love the frizz post. Living in Houston wreaks havoc on the hair for about half the year. Even if it doesn't, it's still so hot and humid, I'm in a pony tail just about every day.

  10. Wow! My husband SWEARS my cat is evil and out to get him and I just don't see it. Maybe there really is such a thing as "not a cat person."

  11. Oh! I've stayed at the Gaylord in Orlando! You'll LOVE it! The atrium is phenomenal & so are the different "regions" And you must try the Italian restaurant there (I forget what it's called) they have a superb marinated olive bar there that I literally ate my weight in olives there. Have a blast & take LOTS of pics!

  12. Thank you for the laugh. I am NOT a cat lady and this post made me smile. Have a great week!

  13. Glad to hear you survived feeding Mr. Darcy! Happy Anniversary a bit early and have a great time in Florida!!

  14. LOL - that is funny. We had a cat when I was in high school that used to hide under my bed and jump out and scratch up my legs. At least you have a little compensation.

    Have a wonderful trip!!


  15. I'm sure you'll have so much fun in Orlando! Sounds so fun! And Gaylord hotels are always the nicest.

    Happy anniversary!

  16. For one, I think it is hilarious that your mom named the cat Mr Darcy. Second, I have a cat that looks almost identical, and she may very well be planning my demise also.

    Stopping by from SITS.

  17. Aw, he looks like our kitty! And really, how is it possible for anything named Mr. Dacy to be evil?! {I'm so keeping that naming idea on file for our next critter!}

  18. I love Mr. Darcy's name... too bad he is an evil kitty! ;) my neighbors cat cut er uh scratched my wrist really badly once while I was cat sitting him ~ looked like I tried to slice my own wrist... it was horrible! his name is Fuego aka fire in spanish... firey red cat!! ;) suits him! anyway... have a fabulous getaway!! I have not been around in a while.. bad bad me! as I love visiting your blog! forgive me?


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