Monday, February 15, 2010

An Icing Tip You'll Fall in Love With

This year wasn't the most memorable Valentine's Day ever, but it wasn't horrible. T had surgery last week and has to be home recovering so even though he has had access to a calendar for months I was sort of okay with purchasing my own gift. 

I ended up deciding that he'll be buying me a bamboo roman shade from Lowe's this week. Pricier than what he'd normally do, but that's what you get when you tell your wife she can buy her own gift. I'll use the shade a lot longer than a dozen roses. 

While I was out pondering what to buy myself yesterday, I eyed the chocolates at Target, but I ended up deciding to bake some heart shaped cookies in honor of Valentines Day.
If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you've seen my favorite rolled sugar cookies and the easy way I like to ice stuff. You also probably know that I am really truly surely not good at icing things. But I recently saw a great tip on The Martha Stewart Show (great to watch while you're ironing), and I thought I'd give it a go.

I started with a plain cookie:

Then I piped a border around the edges. The Wilton tip I used had a very small hole at the bottom:

Next, I used a tip with a much larger hole to dole some icing out in the center of the cookie:

And I used a knife to smooth it all out:

If children want to "help," you may end up with this:

instead of this:

P.S. I used store-bought vanilla icing this time and colored it myself. Don't hate me. 

I'd write more, but I'm gonna go have a cookie now.

{Did you have any good treats for Valentines Day?}
Linking to the fabulous girls atThe CSI Project

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  1. Cute cookies :) The girls are adorable too. My little princess loves to help in the kitchen and her cookies would probably end up looking the same way.
    Have a great Monday!

    PS. I made molten lava cakes for our Valentine treats. They were not the best chocolate cake I've had but still pretty good.

  2. Hi there! Stopping by from SITS. What a great trick for icing cookies.

    I didn't actually have any Valentines-day Specific treats but I had two other single friends over and we ate a nice dinner and hung out. Super-fun. :)

    Have an Extraordinary Day!

  3. Great tip for frosting cookies! When I ice cookies, I use more of a glaze; it's too runny to hold up to being piped.

    The cookies that your girls made might not be picture-perfect, but you'll always have those memories. :)

  4. Great tip, of course you were smart enough to listen to Martha! The cutest cookies, though are the ones decorating!! You're a good mamma. And I look forward to seeing the bamboo shade! Love that it won't wilt! ;D


  5. Those look soooo good! I'll have to try your recipe. I love sugar cookies too.

  6. The trick in my house is getting the cookies to last long enough to BE iced!!

  7. Icing is one thing I've yet to tackle, although I did by a wilton piper thingy. Thanks for the tips!

  8. Love your helpers, and you are a braver Mommy than I. I iced them myself, and let the child sprinkle the sprinkles...I know, I know, what about the child's creativity and all that jazz, but sometimes the perfectionist in me comes out and I can't stop her!

  9. Sugar-free Chocolate Covered Caramels! Yummy! And almost guilt free! woohoo! Your cookies looked awesome.
    Hope you recover quickly!?!

  10. Cute cookies! Now I'm hungry and craving a cookie.

  11. Aww how adorable! The girls look so serious while they're working too *lol*

    I wish T a speedy recovery :)

  12. Good idea! How simple to make an outline around the outside. Simple, but I NEVER would've thought of it! Thank you for sharing it.

    You're darn right: you'll enjoy a shade MUCH longer than roses. Somehow all the roses in stores at Valentine's Day make me sad. I think of all the men paying too much for flowers that will look horrible in two days.

    By the way, I love your Balemtime's post! Those pictures of your girls are absolutely adorable. You just want to eat them. All up. With a spoon. So cute!

  13. Since my twins' birthdays are the day before Valentine's, we have so many leftover sweets from that, I rarely make Valentine goodies. Pity:(

  14. I'd take a bamboo shade any day over a bunch of Roses! I hope you find exactly what you want when you shop for it.

    I like how blinged out Mikayla Byrd is for cookie decorating. Those two will be pros by the time they start to school.

  15. LOL, I bought myself some new curtains for Valentines day yesterday too (and from Lowes too!)
    The cookies look yummy!

  16. MMMM...those look so tasty! And guess what else? I LOVE store bought icing!

    Well, you know what a great Valentines treat I had this weekend! ;)

  17. Bummer! I needed this on Sat! But I'll remember for next time...thx!!

    m ^..^

  18. Oh, this is fantastic. I feel like sugar cookies are the perfect all-occasion treat. And store bought icing is the way to go. Well, unless you have my sister and her famous icing-making-ness around, but I usually don't.
    And if you're interested, we have a Friday Fun Find party- we'd love it if you'd link up!

  19. Thanks for the easy recipe and photos! Will make them today!!

  20. Great tip. And the kiddo is so cute how can you not let her help?!?! :)

  21. Those cookies look scrumptious! I have little patience for making sugar cookies, but I sure do love to eat them. I hope you enjoy your Valentine's shade!

  22. I love homemade cookies! Thanks for the idea of outlining them first! Happy Valentines Day!


  23. Very nice job! We just made heart cookies too. I recently found out that you can melt the store bought icing and dip the tops of the cookies in the melted frosting. It gives you a pretty good iced top and is super easy too. You don't have to melt it for long in the microwave, but you want it slightly runny...and if you use strawberry icing, you don't even have to dye it.

    Of course, yours look AWESOME and so much fun!!! I could go for a cookie after seeing how delicious they look!!! LOL

  24. grreat tip for outlining! I have done it to flood with this icing but never thought of doing it with thicker icing. cute kiddo too :) so sweet!

    ~ Emily N. from "too Blessed to Stress"


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