Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Favorites Feature ::Weekend Bloggy Reading::

Happy Friday, friends!

I'm wishing you a happy day because Friday is pretty much the same as any other day around here (except there's no church and nothing good on it sad that I judge a good day by what my DVR will be recording?)

If you're look for some good reading this weekend, here's a list of some of my favorite posts from around Blogland this week:

~I'm in love with this new (to me) site: How Does She? The tagline reads "Uniting Inspirational Women Sharing Inspirational Ideas." Sounds good to me!

~Britt's Prettified solution to plain old office labels

~Looove Morning T's twist on a popular bloggy craft project! (And I love Frappucino!)

~Lindsay reminded us that Real People Don't Live in Magazine Spreads. Boy, can I attest to that!

~Beth's Family Rules Window-- a great take on a popular project. She really made hers unique.

~Tidy Mom's recipe for The Perfect Snickerdoodle...yum! Her photos will have you drooling too.

~If Kate wasn't such a sweetheart, I'd be super jealous of her gorgeous kitchen's new look. Swoon-worthy!

~Rachel from Perfectly Imperfect gave her readers some great tips for using the FlyLady system. I enjoyed reading how Rachel created a housekeeping routine for herself, and if I can get over being called a "flybaby" I might just see if I can tweak some of these ideas for myself.

~Richella shared a wonderful tutorial for anyone who's interested in trying their hand at Upholstered Headboards.

Not much planned on the homefront this weekend. Natalie's little friend A is coming over this morning, and A's mom will stay to have coffee with me. I love playdates like that! I'd love to do a little thrifting on Saturday morning...I am on the hunt for a buffet to make over. Wish me luck!

{What are your plans for the weekend? I hope it's a good one!}

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  1. Love the family rules window...I may do that as well!

  2. Great collection of links!! Some I've seen, some I haven' I'm off to check those out!!

    Thanks and have a GREAT weekend!!

  3. I agree Friday is kind of a nothing day, but what I like is I can do whatever I want. I think I will visit some of these blogs. I am already familiar with Morning T, she is a love but the others I have not visited, Have a great Friday and a lovely weekend,Kathysue

  4. I hope you have a fabulous weekend!! Pretty soon the weekends will be gorgeous & warm w. sunshine, I. can't. wait!!

  5. Couldn't agree w/ you more as to how swoon worthy Kate's kitchen is. Hope you have a great weekend. I've been out of commission for the last 2 1/2 weeks so I'll be resting this weekend & hopefully catching up on some Dvr myself :-).

  6. Amanda! Thank you so much for the linky love! I appreciate it so much. I mean, REALLY appreciate it. I really like your feature posts--what catches your eye always turns out to be something that I want to see, too. So for something of mine to be on that list. . . yippee!!

    I got both headboards done and made new coverlets for the foots of the beds. And I still have a good bit of that green fabric left over. I'm afraid I went a little wild at the fabric store--I love this fabric, and I knew it would be GONE really quickly. So now I get to think about what else I can do with it. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. It's another snow day here: DH is painting a room, and then will be clearing the snow. I see an afternoon of making hot chocolate and oatmeal.

    I've tried the Flylady system. It works when I actually stick to it. :)

  8. Thanks for adding us to the list!!!
    I love your 'don't send me $$ to buy weightloss or bust enhancement' in your leave a comment section.
    Funny and very true!

  9. I loved the "rules" too! They are all great links! Thanks

  10. looks like some good linkage to me!

    I've also been recently introduced to 'how does she' by a friend of mine - love their concept!

    We're planning a family fun day at an indoor aquatic center on Saturday!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  11. you're so sweet! thanks for including a link to my blog- now i have to write something worth reading, though. : )
    i love these other ladies you've linked to- i may steal that window idea for a little project i'm thinking about!
    have a great weekend-

  12. Fun links! Thanks for sharing, sweetie! :) Have a wonderfully blessed weekend!

  13. Great projects!
    I'll be spending the weekend working my little girls' bathroom. Wish me luck!

  14. No my dear, you're the sweetheart.

  15. Great links! It's fun to visit new blogs.

    I hope your playdate morning was fun.

    I'm attempting to make a cake for my friend this weekend. She's an expert baker, so I hope mine will be up to snuff. A bunch of us are playing tennis Saturday night and I'm going to surprise her with the cake after we play. I spend over $20 on the had better be good!

  16. That's seriously someones KITCHEN?? I woulda never given up Pink Sugar if I had that to play in. Holy cow!! Happy Weekend Amanda :)

  17. Love your post and can't wait to read your suggestions. Watching Sense and Sensibility tonight while the boys all sleep outside underneath a pine tree (we have three feet of snow!) and then tomorrow I'm attempting a slipcover on a chair/ottoman I found on CL.

    Have a great weekend!

  18. Great links as always!!! And while I am here...

    I am passing on the Kreativ Blogger award to you! Cause I think you rock!! Check it out here:
    And be sure to pass it on to 7 others!

  19. Hi Amanda!

    Love those links! I wish my kitchen looked like that. And I love Beth's Family Board - it is adorable!

    I am the same way with my DVR. I wish I had a movie to watch tonight! Have fun thrifting tomorrow!


  20. I am going thrifting with my sisters tomorrow! if they don't change their minds!! lol! ;) good luck with your hunt! I am just 'lookin' ... maybe we will both find something!
    Just Jenn~

  21. What I'm lovin'? The headboard!! Love the sytle. Great post girl!

  22. OMG...that kitchen...I fully admit I'm jealous!

  23. I used to watch Dollhouse on Friday...then it got cancelled. Boo.

    Did you go thrifting? Did you find anything fabulous?

    Can't wait to find out!

  24. I love your Friday shout-outs. I need to start doing the same - there are so many amazing projects out there to brag about! Have a blessed week!

  25. I LOVE your note above...hilarious...i hate when people try to sell stuff like a magic weight loss I loved stopping in ...You are fun! I'm Meme from Screaming Meme...It is so nice to meet you...If you get a chance stop in and see me over @ Screaming Meme...

  26. Good job with the post!
    Thank you so much.


I love to hear your feedback! Please feel free to leave comments...just don't send me spam asking me to buy stuff off your website! I've got three kids and no money to purchase your magic weight-loss pill or bust enhancement, or whatever else you might be selling. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you! :)

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