Monday, September 14, 2009

You've Got Mail

I love watching the mailman walk up the street to our house. I love the anticipation of what surprises might be arriving in our ugly black metal mailbox. A new Pottery Barn catalog, the latest issue of one of my favorite magazines, a party invitation...not so much the bills though.

I especially love it when one of these

arrives with my name on the packing label.

I've recently been the lucky recipient of two blog giveaway prizes, and I wanted to take a minute to thank both of my bloggy friends.

Rhiannon over at Pink Sugar Desserts sent me something special not too long ago.

I was so excited to see this neat cupcake stand arrive all the way from Canada (eh)!

Now I need a good excuse to make some fabulous cupcakes!!
image: Google
I know mine won't hold a candle to Little Miss Baker. Her site is full of gorgeous, sugary, delicious photos, great tutorials, and fabulous recipes. Don't click over if you are hungry!

Courtney at Women Living Well had a Monogrammed Towel giveaway and guess who won? Moi.
Of course I chose pink!
Courtney is such a sweetheart and I love stopping by her blog to find encouragement. I also love the banner on her cute!
What about you?
{Do you love opening the mailbox?}
post signature


  1. I do LOVE getting the just never know...
    Can't tell you how many times I have exclaimed, "Serenity Now!" today
    - thought of you.

  2. Ah - I am exactly the same. I get especially excited when I see those red Netflix envelopes in my mailbox...

  3. I love getting mail too!!!

  4. I love mail too!! And I love that you finally got your stand :) Did you get the mini wrappers inside too?? It's like a surprise little gift! AND thank you thank you thank you for stopping by today to leave some words of encouragement on my silly I-wanna-delete-my-blog post. You and my other faithful followers have motivated and inspired me to keep at it. I am so lucky to have you as a blogging friend :) Thank you. Have a blessed week Amanda!! xo

  5. Ooh, such fun stuff! Congrats on winning the giveaways.


  6. FUN stuff! I've been eyeing one of those cupcake stands myself!

    LOOOOVE the towel...adorable!

  7. Wow! You lucky duck! What fabulous giveaway items! I just recently won something for the first time too!

    My hubby and I fight over the mail! I love to send mail and receive it too!

  8. Ooh, cute towel! But I'm all about the cupcake stand. Cupcakes are so much fun, aren't they?

    I like getting mail, too. My son walks out to the mailbox to get the mail, and I try to tell, from his expression, whether there's anything fun!

  9. I love getting the mail - its always full of tiny little $5 rebate checks *lol*

    You've been having a very lucky month!

  10. Ooooooh, I looovveeee a happy mail day!!!



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