Sunday, September 20, 2009

Stolen Blog Content

It has come to my attention tonight that someone (in India!) has stolen multiple pages from my blog. When I went to investigate, I discovered that this person has copied entire pages and label links from numerous blogs (some of them well known). Content, photos, everything. My writing is showing up alongside links for distasteful ads. I am furious.

I have emailed (not, as well as the person's webhost, and the person himself.

Tomorrow, I will be filing a detailed complaint with the dmca.

I am assuming this post will be (automatically?) uploaded to this person's blog. Now he can read this for himself.

Any other suggestions?

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hay!

    Don't Worry Friend's.I am just testing on my website. Now you can see my blog. I have already Remove your all post from my blog.

    Let me know if you have any query.

  3. I am so sorry.
    I have no clue what to do, but hope all is well quickly with no harmful effects on you.

    You are too sweet a person for this to happen to.

    We love you!!!

    Barbara jean

  4. Good grief! I'd be furious, too. Good luck with getting your situation resolved.

  5. That's ridiculous!
    What a headache to have to worry about...
    BTW - how do find out that someone is doing that?

  6. So sorry to hear this. How bizarre!

  7. What a how did you find this out???? And what does the top comment mean???? Is that FROM the person????


  8. Oh my goodness! How in the world does that happen?! I'm so sorry & I hope that it all gets resolved quickly.

  9. This stinks. My advice is to file a complaint anyway, regardless of that top comment. It's total BS that they were using your blog for "testing". Pfffft! I particularly would considering your content was put in a blog with inappropriate links, etc. I'm hard nosed about things like this, so keep that in mind!

    Good luck and I hope it doesn't happen again!


  10. Well, it's pretty obvious that he read this post. I'd be mad too!

  11. Thank you for your notice to my site! I also reported this guy to the proper authorities and posted a message to him as well. This person has uploaded everything I've written for a month, including photos of my children and my work.

    Thank goodness you took the time to send me a notice when you saw something amiss. Thank you so much.

  12. You cannot trust to many things any longer especially things of the Internet ... I posted pictures and a short comment on being a Nana. Titled, Celebrating Grandparents Day...and a website solicted me their website for Grandparents Day...kinda of made me feel like I was being did not come from any of my followers ...I have only 10 followers: But I am open to the "public" so I guess that is to be expected....I have copyrighted my blog ...but how do you protect yourself from the spammers?
    So sorry this has happened to you


    i use this to track where my site traffic comes from. i don't know if you can use this on yours or not, but it's free, so i thought i'd pass it on to you.

  14. I meant to ask you did you find out about the stolen content?

    I have a LOT of weird traffic on my blog, and am wondering what the heck the people from Indonesia and Turkey are looking at on my blog!

  15. What the heck?! Now that's just craziness. Hope you get it resolved...

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. That is just nuts! People are a little scary. :(

  18. I'm so sorry this happened to you! I hope you will post how you discovered this, so that we can all be aware and keep a check on our sites as well.

    I hope you are able to prosecute him/her.

  19. I am sooo sorry , what a bummer...

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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