Wednesday, September 2, 2009

DIY Headband Tutorial

"We are charmed by neatness of person; let not thy hair be out of order." -Ovid

Today's project is simple and thrifty, and I can't believe I didn't try it sooner! Another one of those fears about not getting it *just right* that I had to kick in the rear and say, "Take that!"

I made the headband featured in today's post for my three year old, but this craft can easily be modified for an adult. Whether you are four or twenty-faux, you can still dress up an outfit with a cute headband.

You can find plain plastic headbands in youth and adult sizes in just about any craft store. I usually see them in the jewelry making sections. If you have a 40% off coupon like I did, you can score a pack of two or three for a song.

I had a stash of thin ribbon in a big plastic Target bag sitting in our downstairs bath closet. I chose pink because...well, you know me at all?!

I started by hot gluing the end of the ribbon to one end of the band (see the photo above), then wrapped it around several times until it completely covered the area that would be behind Natalie's ear. There's no science to it (thank God!). I just started wrapping the ribbon around and around the band, overlapping each time slightly, and placing dabs of hot glue every so often to keep the ribbon in place.

When I was finished, it looked like this:

I knew the head band might slip in a preschooler's silky hair, so I added a length of velvet ribbon to the inside of the band. Just hot glued it right on top of the ribbon.

It needed a little somethin', so I reached for a giant green flower from The Dollar Tree and snipped the stem off.

After hot gluing the flower to the headband, this is what it looks like. I'm not thrilled with this one, so I think I'll rip out the fuzzy flower center and replace it with a faux jewel, or just make a bow to go in its place.

There you have it! An easy, thrifty project that only took me a few minutes to do.

This can be updated for an adult with a wide head band, some cute ribbon, and a few rhinestones. I personally wouldn't want the flower growing out of the side of my head, but you can go there if you want. I won't judge you.

If you are interested in more hair accesory ideas, I have an easy clip tutorial here.

Please visit Kimba at A Soft Place to Land for more fabulous DIY inspiration. The party is going strong over on her blog, and you won't want to miss out on ideas for your home and family!

*Don't forget the Decorating Dilemmas Party on September 9th. The last one was a blast with a very good turn out.
If you didn't have a chance to stop by the first time, this is a party for bloggers to link up with any challenges they have in or around their homes (decorating, crafts, organizing, gardening, construction). Your dilemma can be anything from "Help! My son drew on my walls in permanent marker and I don't know how to cover it up" to "What color should I paint my coffee table?" I also love it when people have great solutions to share. This party is all about being real and helping out our bloggy friends. We're going to have a blast, and yes--there WILL be another Giveaway!

You can click here to see the entries from the last party. Hope to see you there!

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  1. What a cute idea! Sorry I haven't been by for a little has been a little crazy here. Trying to visit many of my bloggy friends! Always a fun post to read here!

    Hugs to you friend,

  2. this is fantastic! :) I need to make some for my nieces!

  3. So cute! I love the must keep it...the jewel in the center would be great though!

  4. Cute, cute, cute!!! I LOVE this. My little sis Natalie (hehe) is always stealing my headbands and I hardley ever get them back. I might just have to go make some for her or some extras for me. :-)

  5. Ok, I just saw one like this at the mall today. Great job! I should make my own from now on.

  6. thanks for sharing it came out gorgeous! and its so easy

  7. This is a good idea! Alas, I have no little girls. . . but I have friends who have little girls! Thank you for posting something that anyone could put together so easily.

  8. Too cute! Looks like the one I've been drooling over from crewcuts!

  9. Very nice! That would be a fun project to do with my daughter or at her next bday party. It might even convince her to actually WEAR headbands and pretty things in her crazy hair.

  10. cute headband.
    thanks for sharing.

    hope all goes well with your week.
    barbara jean

  11. Hi, I'm stopping by from SITS. What an ADORABLE and thrifty idea! love it!

  12. what a great diy! thanks for sharing amanda! i am coming back everyday to see new things on your blog now! found you on

  13. Awww, how adorable! My girls wouldn't really keep anything in their hair when they were little...of course they do now, being teenagers and all...but it was so frustrating back then!

    Have an awesome day!
    ~Michelle :)

  14. Super cute!!
    My daughter would love this!!

  15. Those headbands are too cute. I hope you got all the knives under lock down. Your comment cracked me up girl!

  16. Way to go you queen of craftiness!!

  17. These are adorable! Heck, I would wear em haha love it!


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