Sunday, August 2, 2009

Thrifty Treasures: Let's Entertain!

You see the button, so you know what time it is! Tool Time! (oops, wrong line)

It's Thrifty Treasures Day over at the lovely Miss Rhoda's spot, Southern Hospitality. If you enjoy reading about other people's conquests in the world of thrifting, then this is the party for you! Click over and check out her site to see what kinds of treasures she found over the weekend. She always manages to find something fabulous. I wish I could be her apprentice!

I co-hosted a bridal shower for my sister this weekend, so I wasn't able to yard saling, or even thrifting in the traditional sense, over the past week. But I did find several great deals in a place that most of us dread visiting.

Yes, that's right....I went to Wal-Mart.

(cue shocked scream here)

I planned to run out to one of the nicer grocery stores and Target on Friday night, but T didn't get in until late, and I was way too tired to go out. I woke up just before 6 on Saturday morning and rushed over to Wal-Mart before Natalie and Michaela Byrd were awake.

You know, Wal-Mart at 6 am is not so awful. The parking lot was deserted, and so was the store! I had plenty of time to hurry up and down a few aisles before heading home to finish setting up for the shower.

Here are my thrifty finds from Wal-Mart. I don't know that I'd classify any of these as "treasures," but they were thrifty and they sure make my life easier for the moment!

Two packs of Better Homes & Gardens paper lights (10 packs) in cream. $7 each, on sale.

One 6 x9 canvas drop cloth from the paint supply section. $8.99.

Approximately a dozen and a half bright pink roses (mix and matched bouquets) that fit our accent color well. Around $15.

Wanna see how I used these finds and other finds from past weeks to put together a fun and budget-friendly bridal shower? Check back on Thursday for another addition of Thrifty Thursday: It's Chic to Be Cheap.

Also this week?
~Get my recipe for Incredible Pink Punch on Tasty Tuesday.
Read about my *interesting* experience with SuSu (sis-in-law) in DC for my sister's Bachelorette Night on Saturday night. I am still recovering from the insanity.
~More fun stuff! Maybe even a tutorial for making an embellished burlap table runner.

Coming up: To get the details on my first blog party, please read here. It's basically going to be a spot where you can link up any kind of project you'd like some input on (home interior, exterior, organization, crafty stuff, before and afters, your solutions to dilemmas, etc.).

If everyone has a good time, I might just do this once a month. I have enough "dilemmas" around here to last for quite a few posts! It's so nice to have ideas and feedback from bloggy friends, isn't it?

I'd love to have you join the party, and remember there will be a prize/Giveaway for participants!


and maybe another little somethin' if I get myself in gear!

{Happy Thrifting, y'all!}

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  1. I love those paper lights! I need to check out my WalMart. They recently made it a Super, so it will take some time to actually go through it and see what's new. Those pink roses are gorgeous too! Sounds like you had a Girls Gone Wild weekend!

  2. those paper lanterns. WalMart has some great prices on their outdoor things. Nice job!

    I may have to check out that decorating dilemma party. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Ha ha ha! Love the Tool Time line, funny!

    Can't wait to see what you do with those roses. Love the color!

  4. I LIKE Wally-Mart! Apparently am in a bit of a minority here...LOL Those are cute little paper lites. I find stuff there that I don't find at Target or elsewhere. Will check out what's going on w/your party! Sue

  5. Hey Amanda! Your Decorating Dilema Party is a fabulous idea!!! I love it!

  6. Hi Amanda,
    I don't like Wally World either but, sometimes we gotta go. I do like their BHG line of stuff - the lamps are really cool !
    I bet your party is fab !
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  7. those little lamps are adorable! i've been looking ALL over for some paper lanterns that are battery powered--i finally found some at Dollar General of all places, but they only had two!

    i love your blog name, btw. =)

  8. When you said Walmart I was skeptical but those lights are so cute and cheap too :D

  9. I think since WalMart started with the BH&G stuff, it's gotten somewhat better. Cute stuff and I look forward to hearing more about the shower......
    Count me in for any giveaways or parties!!! I'm all over that! :)


  10. I bet you did some gret things. I am intrigued by that canvas.

  11. love the paper lanterns

    stopping by from Rhoda's party, here's to thrifting!

  12. I found some great deals at WalMart this week, too! You are right that it is not so bad if you go in the early morning. I'm looking forward to hearing about your bachelorette adventure and to seeing pictures from the shower.

  13. stopping by from sits! love the name of your blog!

  14. I can't wait to see how you put everything together! Those roses were beautiful!

  15. Those lights are fantastic! Your bloggy party sounds like fun too!!

  16. I like those paper lanterns! Walmart scares me....the Walmart near where I live is FILTHY and shopped by the dregs of society. Target is more my speed, haha!

  17. Love what you found. The roses are so pretty and I love the lanterns. Have a great shower and a great week....

  18. I like the lanterns and looking forward to seeing the briadal party pictures. Jackie

  19. You are so lucky your Walmart carries canvas drop cloths! Mine only has the crappy plastic kind. I've looked!

    Love the lanterns! I can't WAIT to see your shower recap!

  20. I love those paper lanterns! x

  21. I found some pink paper lanterns at Michaels for $1 each and then found the MS poofs on sale for $4 at Walmart and put them all up together in a cluster in my daughter's room over her bed - they look amazing!!


I love to hear your feedback! Please feel free to leave comments...just don't send me spam asking me to buy stuff off your website! I've got three kids and no money to purchase your magic weight-loss pill or bust enhancement, or whatever else you might be selling. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you! :)

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