Friday, August 21, 2009

Fun Friday

I thought I'd just do a random post with random subject matter today since I most likely won't post this weekend. Please feel free to share your answers today!

Highlight of my week? We had two play dates at our house this week, and it made me so happy to see Natalie's face all lit up when our company arrived. She has been so lonely this summer without preschool. Our friends always seem to be so busy, and I've felt horrible for her. She's been bored and probably a little lonely too. It must be hard for a three and a half year old who enjoys being active. Michaela Byrd's reaches as a playmate can only go so far, and their efforts at playing tea party or dollhouse usually end with shouts of "Mine!" ringing down the hallways.

Plans this weekend: I am on a mission to find a patio set ever since I missed the jackpot last weekend. I'd like to take the girls to a yard sale or two tomorrow morning and see if we can find one. Can't hold onto the in-laws' patio table forever! The girls have been invited to a Candy Land birthday party in the early afternoon. Can't wait to blog and show pictures.

T will be helping a friend paint on Saturday evening, so I may sit down and start thinking about Christmas gifts. (YES, Christmas gifts already!) Sunday morning will be the last time our adults' Sunday School class meets before splitting. Our class has grown too large for the classroom, so we'll be dividing into two groups. The hard part will be choosing which new class to attend!

Best TV this week: Hands down, I really enjoyed watching Project Runway's premiere last night on TiVo after the girls were in bed. I got a bunch of laundry folded and was tickled to see Tim Gunn back in action, charging the contestants to "Make it work." I thought the right person went home. I'm sorry, but a puffy silver hoodie dress that looked like a diaper is just not my thing. Apologies if you own something like this.

What am I reading? Just finished Mary Kay Andrews' The Fixer Upper, which I adored and will review soon. Next on my list is I Was a Really Good Mom Before I Had Kids by Trisha Ashworth and Amy Nobile. My step-sister-in-law, Stacey, sent it to me and I haven't had a chance to read it yet. It looks like a fun read.

Favorite thing I bought this week? In a rare solo shopping trip, I made a split-second decision to turn into the Payless Shoes by our Target. It was Buy One, Get One Half Off, and I also got a 20% off coupon in the mail the other day.

These adorable flats came home with me, along with a pair of brown Mary Janes for Natalie. It's hard to see in the picture, but the ribbon is fuchsia pink. I am in love.

Most annoying thing my kids did this week? They played "Ring Around the Rosey" in the pediatrician's exam room while we were waiting. Michaela Byrd had nothing on but her diaper, and they were joyfully shrieking at the top of their lungs. I was "whisper shouting" for them to stop. I finally had to lie and tell Natalie that if she didn't quit dragging her sister around by her spindly little arm, Dr. C was going to come in and spank her. I am a bad mother. I'm okay with it.

In other news, I want to thank the lovely Victoria at Whimsy by Victoria for bestowing upon me the Fancy Pants Award. I wish had a tiny little bit of Victoria's creative skills with a sewing machine! Victoria wrote that this award is given to "dedicated bloggers who love to blog, and encourage friendships through blogging." I'm supposed to state why I love blogging and then pass it on.
I love blogging because I finally feel like I have a place to express myself. I have great "in real life" friends, but they are busy moms too. It's hard to get a bunch of moms together for girl talk when we all have different schedules. Blogging has opened up a whole new world of friendship for me. I've been able to share what's on my heart, what's interesting to me, and the crazy stuff my family gets into. I can have girl talk whenever I want now. Amazingly enough, some of you seem to enjoy reading it!

I am passing this award on to four lovely ladies today:

Amanda at Imperfectly Beautiful...she must be my long-lost, prettier twin. It's kind of freaky how many things we see eye to eye on. My mama's got some 'splainin' to do!

Xazmin at This is the Year. I don't think you'll find a sweeter blogger on the web. If I had a million dollars, I'd have her design enough hair bows for my girls to last until 3rd grade. Then I'd take us to see a live taping of So You Think You Can Dance.

Stacey at The Blessed Nest. I don't think she's ever created a post on her blog that hasn't encouraged or inspired me. She was one of my bloggy friends who had some kind words to share with me after Annonymous left a nasty comment here.

Pam at Bibbidi Bobbidi Beautiful. She was sweet enough to send me some information to help me with my finicky toddler. Her blog is adorable, and I'm hoping to get to know her better.

No need to pass the award on, girls, unless you'd like to. Just wanted to let you know I was thinkin' of you this evening!

Finally, please start thinking of dilemmas and/or solutions you may be able to share for my upcoming Decorating Dilemmas Party. I'll work on adding some html for the button soon. If you're new here and want to know more about this fun party, please read here to see how much fun we had at the last one. Would any of you be interested in doing a linky to share our updates before the next party?
{Have a wonderful weekend, my wonderful readers!}

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  1. Sounds like a full and fun week! Congratulations on your award!! I hope you find the patio set you've been looking for!

  2. Amanda, I honestly don't know how you get done all that you do. It is enough work just mothering two very young children. I'm so impressed that you can keep up a very nice blog, read books, find great shoes AND keep up with comments on blogs! You are WONDER WOMAN for sure!


  3. I love ya girl! Thank you so much for sharing your award with me. I too feel such a kinship with you... my sister from another mister!!! (ha ha ha)


    P.S. I've been eyeing those same shoes for a while...seriously this thing we have is freaky deaky!

  4. I love your new shoes! Payless really has some cute things. I can't believe that you are already thinking about Christmas gifts. It's never to early to start! Have fun at the b-day party and good luck in your patio set quest.

  5. I hope you are able to find a patio set-another free one would be great.

    I hope youhave great suceess with your party and even if I don't have any delimmas I will try to stop by and visit peoples.


  6. Sounds like a typical week in my life too. Glad you got in some playdate time. My youngest needs that interaction to. We are only doing half day kindergarten, because full day is over $3,000. I know she will be bored and miss her sissy. I'll have to set stuff up with friends.

    I haven't watched Project Runway yet. Love that show:)

  7. Cute blog! I appreciate you sharing your week! Thanks for stopping by This Humble House!

    ~ Pam

  8. Ca-uuuute shoes, girl! You crack me up...I love the way you describe your week :)

  9. I'm on vacation (checking in online one more time before black out week) and I MISSED IT! I'm so sad...

    And I lie to my kids all the time. No one wants to listen to me and come inside? "Oh no! I see a bee! Everybody run inside! RUN!" Hey - it works.

  10. Oh Amanda...I love your posts! You are so real! I love your new shoes, too...cute! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend! And I guess I'll have to quit wearing my silver hooded diaper dress!! lol...Debbie

  11. Um, thanks for the award, but I'm really hurt. I happen to own a puffy silver hooded dress. AND that's what I was gonna wear when I made you my video of the New Kids routine I am going to learn and record for you after I watch my prize from you. Now what will I wear?

    I hope you found a patio set!

    I'll host the linky results party if you'd like!

  12. I enjoyed the PR AllStar Challenge. I haven't watched the regular PR yet. Still on the DVR. Also enjoyed Top Chef this week.

    Visiting Via SITS

  13. Love your randoms! It must be the nosy girl in me really coming out, but I always love to read these tidbits of everyday life. :)

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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