Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thrifty Thursday: It's Chic to Be Cheap {21}

Okay, this is a real stretch for a Thrifty Thursday post, but I'm gonna try to make it work. (I have about a million things to do before my sister's bridal shower next weekend, so this will be quick!)

Those of you who are moms can probably relate to me.

I love Girls' Night Out (even had a Thrifty Thursday post on Girls' Night), getting coffee with friends, shopping, late runs to Target...all of the above. But after the heads of those two little girlies of mine hit their pillows, I am usually exhausted.

Some nights, all I have the energy left to do is sit in a stupor and hang out with my friend TiVo. You all know my summer (and soon to be Fall!) obsession is So You Think You Can Dance. TiVo and I have spent many a fun hour or two watching amazing dancers perform this summer. Well, I watch and TiVo fast-forwards for me.

I even managed to convert my friend L. That's all I needed, just one convert.

L and my sister-in-law (SuSu) came over last week to watch with me. Talk about a thrifty Girls' Night Out! We made chocolate cake in a mug (to die for!) and watched the show together!

If you haven't seen the show yet, tonight is the 100th episode, and they are planning a big show. There will be several encores of popular dances from past seasons, and Ellen Degeneres will be probably be back as a guest judge (she was hilarious last night!).

So if you need a cheap Girls' Night Out (or even a fun night in by yourself, or with friends!) that needs no planning, tune in tonight on Fox. You can see amazing performances like this (fast forward to 1:59):

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  1. Oh my goodness, I love So You Think You Can Dance! Last night's show was wonderful, as usual. Can't wait for tonight's 100th episode! Who are your favorite male and female dancers this season?

    What did you think of Nigel's comment about Evan's eyes being too heavy-lidded? Is he kidding? He couldn't come up with anything else to say? Poor Evan!

  2. I DVR that show too. It's really good. I recently had to go in and erase a bunch of them because we ran out of room on the machine bummed.

    Love the chocolate cake in a mug dessert too. It's been a while since I've made that. Have a great evening.

  3. sometimes when I'm watching them dance I don't realize I'm getting so into it and my arm or leg will like randomly I'm trying to follow along or something. haha

  4. That's one show I haven't seen. You mean there is more to life than HGTV? Lol!

  5. Oh my heavens, that video clip just makes me want to grab someone and DANCE! Unfortunately, my T will have nothing to do with dancing. Not even like "middle school dance" dancing (as if we were allowed to dance @ FCS, lol!). Anyway, your thrifty idea sounds like a wonderful girl's night, and I'd love to know how you made the cake in a mug!

  6. This has been such an awesome season!!! I am loving it! It drove me crazy to miss it when we were at our reunion!:-) And.....Xazmin and I now have tickets to the tour!!WooHoo!! Can't wait! And Ellen was so stinkin' funny!:-)

  7. Ordered my tickets yesterday! I am dying for November 7th to get here now!

    I was sad to see Jason leave...I love Evan, but think he's weaker than J. Whatever...still rootin' for my boy Brandon!

    Love having Travis back, and all the returning dancers were fab to watch again too! Have I ever told you I'm obsessed with Wade Robson? I'll email ya some favorite footage.


I love to hear your feedback! Please feel free to leave comments...just don't send me spam asking me to buy stuff off your website! I've got three kids and no money to purchase your magic weight-loss pill or bust enhancement, or whatever else you might be selling. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you! :)

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