Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Off the Deep End

Yesterday evening was Natalie's first swim lesson.

At three and a half, I figured it was time for her to get aquainted with a method of swimming that doesn't involve gripping my neck while I hold Michaela Byrd in one arm and try not to drown. Or get my hair wet.

I decided against just tossing her into the deep end and settled on the swim lessons offered by the pool we recently joined.

I made sure to talk the lessons up all week; so by the time we headed down the block to the pool, Natalie was pretty excited.

The lifeguard called out names and she was the smallest child and only girl in her group. If you know Natalie, you know that didn't phase her much at all.

She introduced everyone to Michaela Byrd, who had a blast playing on the pool steps with someone's discarded G.I. Joe.

There she is...that little one on the far right. They started with blowing bubbles.

They had a heckler over on the pool steps. Michaela Byrd practiced blowing her own bubbles (and drinking some pool water, I'm sure). She then proceeded to shout "Bubble!" at the top of her lungs and splash wildly at the big kids. I moved her to the baby pool so she'd quit distracting the future U.S. Olympic Swim Team.

After the lesson, the kids were offered a chance to jump off the low diving board into the deep end as a treat.

The lifeguard probably earned sainthood in Natalie's eyes with that gift. She's been asking me about jumping off the diving board ever since we first laid eyes on the pool. I said it would be okay, and Michaela Byrd and I headed over to cheer our brave girl on.

The boys all refused to try.

Waiting in line. Still time to change her mind.

Walking the green mile.

Slightly unsure now that she's sees how far down it is. Can you see the high dive over her head?
Splash! Miss W held her hand while she jumped into Miss M's arms.

She was so proud of herself. She asked me right away why she couldn't go off the high dive!

I'm gonna start dusting off the bookshelves for some swimming trophies. I bet she'll give Michael Phelps a run for his money. Haven't seen him jump off a real diving board lately!

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  1. I'm so proud. I'm going to save her "drawing" that's on my fridge so I can sell it one day on e-bay when she's big and famous!

    - Su su

  2. Natalie is a brave little girl. I know that I would never have jumped off a diving board at age 3 1/2. She'll be swimming before you know it!

  3. She did great! I wouldn't have thought to take pictures, but I imagine you're happy to have it documented. :)

  4. I love the pool shots! No-fear Natalie~her new nickname. As much as Michaela loves water, she will be hot on Natalie's heels very soon:D

  5. How cute! She did a great job--very brave of her to do the diving board, I think I was scared to jump off one of those until I was 10!

    Glad you all are enjoying the pool! :)

  6. Seriously impressed. It took Emma at least five days to even blow bubbles. And even then, she BARELY touched the water with her face. I think Natalie is rockin it out on those swim lessons! Watch out Phelps...there's a new kid in town!

  7. Oh, she is SO cute. Way to go, Natalie! My daughter is 7 and is still too scared to jump off the side of the pool into the water without Daddy holding onto her. :-)

  8. So cute and so fun! I want to go swimming now!

  9. Stopping by from SITS. Wonderful pics and story. Go Natalie!


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