Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Chick Flick Club?

**This is post #199! Check in tomorrow for a Thrifty Treasures post and my GIVEAWAY!!**

I was able to round up a bunch of girlfriends last night to go see The Ugly Truth:

I loved Katherine Heigl in 27 Dresses, so I was excited to see how she fared in this new flick. I'm not a prude by any means, but I think the movie would have been funnier with a bit less of the crude sexual humor. Still, it was a fun movie to see with my girlfriends.

After the film, most of us hung around the sidewalk to chat for a bit, as it was late enough that nothing except for Super Wal-Mart was open. I brought up the idea that we need to form some sort of monthly Chick Flick club--a great alternative to begging your husband to take you to see the latest Sex and the City know your girlfriends will go with you! (For the record, I think T would rather perform his own tonsillectomy to watching Carrie Bradshaw and the girls parade around Manhattan.)

We saw several trailers that looked interesting, and I think it's safe to say that the M theatre will be graced with our giddy presence several times in the coming months. I thought I'd share with you too if you like Sneak Previews!

I haven't read The Time Traveler's Wife, but I hear it's excellent. It looks like a cry cry movie, but I love Rachel McAdams...her hair is so pretty! (Yes, I judge by hairstyles...I think Amy Adams' hair in the Julie/Julia previews looks atrocious!) I guess I'll just wear waterproof mascara to this one!

If you haven't seen The Proposal, you must. Or at least hit up Red Box when it comes out on DVD. It was really cute, and I loved the chemistry between Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock. My friend L thinks that Sandra's make-up made her look too old, and I have to agree with her.

This trailer scared the begeezes out of me. I want to see Shutter Island anyway because in my head I am still 17 kissing my Romeo/Jack from Titanic posters every night I think Leo is a wonderfully talented actor. L loves scary stuff, so I know at least she'll be game for it.

I am saving the best for last, my friends. If I could buy my ticket now, I would. L, myself, and some other too old but channeling our inner angst-ridden teen vibe friends plan to go on opening night to see New Moon. We might just squeal with all the teenage girls when Edward appears on screen.

The great part of starting a Chick Flick Club with these girls is that we all pretty much agreed that going to a late show works because we have time to put the kids to bed (so husbands can't complain!), the theatre is not packed, and L can sneak us in some Dollar Store candy (thanks, L!)

{Do you do anything like this with your friends?}

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  1. I had a great time. It feels so nice to be included. Can't wait for the next one!

  2. I'd love to come but I'd probably be like the grandma!!! :)
    Sounds like so much fun!!


  3. I wanna come - I am a good sneeker of the buck candy stuff too....shhhhhh. I can hardly wait till New Moon !!!!! I have read all four books and so has my 14 year old ! I think I need to read them again, although that would mean tracking them down all of my daughters friends who are still reading them, LOL !
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  4. Sounds like so much fun! I don't really care for Katherine Heigl, oh, who am I kidding?...I can't stand her.

    But the guy...I don't remember his name...I can totally stand him!

    That Time Travellers Wife looks really good. And people with good hair are definitely better people for sure. :)

    Wish I could be in your movie club! Sometimes I go with a friend to a 9 o clock movie after the kids are in bed. Very rarely though!

  5. A Chick Flick club sounds like so much fun! I would never get to see a movie if I relied on my husband. We haven't seen a movie together since Austin Powers!

    My favorite low cost girls night out lately has been Monday night tennis practice. We meet at 6 pm, play until 7:30, and then sit around for a few hours socializing. Everyone brings something to share. It ends up being inexpensive and a lot of fun.

  6. Stopping by from SITS. This is very cool the way you posted all these movie trailers! I haven't seen any of them. We get to the movies about once a year. I have read the Time Travelers Wife and I loved it. I have a fascination with the concept of time travel anyway. This will be one movie I will see in the theater.

  7. What a cute post! I love Gerard Butler...LOVE him, so I am jonesing to see The Ugly Truth. Oh, and Mr. Eric Bana is also one of my crushes, so The Time Travelers Wife looks like a must-see.
    I have heard nothing but good things about The Proposal. Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock - these 2 are a hoot and a holler!!!
    Great post, and many many thanks for the info!

    Hopping over from SITS. I hope you have a most wonderful Sunday!


  8. I get together with girlfriends every month, but never to watch movies. Sounds like fun! I put a bunch of your trailers on my netflix que to help balence out my husbands list...

  9. agree that TUT was crude but i still found myself snorting with laughter- even against my better judgement at times! i had no idea it was that brand of humor but it was still good to laugh that hard. i haven't done that in a long time :)

    what? you mean the ticket i bought on ebay for new moon ISN'T a real one???? man. of all things. ;0P do you think it would be wrong to camp out to make sure we get opening night tix?


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