Monday, June 22, 2009

Weekend Update

So my recap of this weekend's events isn't nearly as funny as seeing Amy Poehler and Seth Meyers on SNL, but I'll recap nonetheless.

If you read my post from last night, you know we had a short lived adventure at Salvation Army on Saturday morning. Nothing like trying to find some amazing bargains with a three year old who could care less about the diamonds in the rough in the furniture section. She'd prefer to pull all 4576 books off the shelf in search of the Berenstain Bears.

Saturday afternoon was spent driving twenty minutes North to the only bookstore in the area that still had copies of Glenn Beck's new masterpiece, Glenn Beck's Common Sense. We searched high and low for this book, hoping to surprise T for Father's Day. We managed to snag a copy, only to have Natalie announce "Daddy, we got you the Glenn BACK book!" as T came downstairs on Sunday morning. So much for surprises! (Aside: This book is selling out everywhere. If you believe that we need less big government and more personal responsibility, a return to what our Founding Fathers hoped for our nation, this is a must-read!)
Here are the girls all decked out in their swimsuits on Saturday afternoon. After several years on the waiting list, we finally got membership to the community pool that is literally a block or two down the street from us. This counts as our "vacation" this year, as T cashed out one of his weeks so we could buy in. I figured we'd spend an awful lot more on a real vacation, and we can go to the pool every day for the rest of the summer if we want!

Natalie started doing her happy dance, she was so excited about the pool. It also usually involves hopping and arm pumps, but I guess she didn't want to knock her sister over (for once).

Outside the pool gate. Her first comment after seeing the high dive?

"Can I go on that?" ??!!! An interesting question for a girl who didn't even want to get off the pool steps. I'm not quite sure how her reasoning is on that one....

Once she got over her initial displeasure over the water's frigid temps, Michaela Byrd fell in love with the pool. It was really really hard to keep her out of the baby pool when we had a "thunder watch" for 10 minutes.

Miss High Dive in the baby pool. Notice the careful placement of her head. She was not about getting her face in the water. I think swimming lessons are in order. It was hard to try to work with her in the big pool while holding a baby at the same time.

Last, but not least, we had a special dinner for T last night. His favorite dinner, chicken casserole, and strawberry short cake. I'm not a gourmet or anything, but I thought they turned out cute. Natalie and Michaela Byrd were over the moon for the Cool Whip and chocolate.

It's the start of a new week. Who knows what it will hold. With little ones, I try to take things one day at a time. Today was the first day of our church's Vacation Bible School, which is one of the largest in Virginia. We have hundreds of children from across the area come to meet friends, make crafts, play, and learn. I'm sure I'll have some good stories by the week's end!
Have a good one! I'm off to brace myself for another afternoon of pool fun. (And count down for Wed. afternoon when T will be home so I can go down there by MYSELF, haha!)

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  1. How cute are they in their little swim suits!? I love it! Makes me wish I was that tiny again so I could be that cute. Oh and the dessert looks divine :) xo

  2. Stopping by from SITS..your girls are too cute and I love the matching suits! I also LOVE the dessert

    Also, I wanted to invite you to my raffle on Spirit Jump. $1 for 1 ticket and each week (starting Sundays) we have new prizes like airline tickets, grills, jewelry...All $ goes to fight cancer.
    Twitter @spiritjump

  3. My kids hate to shop with me so I can so understand. Glad you found the book. I must get a copy too. Sounds like a good read. Looks like everyone in Wash. needs a copy as well~

  4. Looks like a fun filled day at the pool! I want to taste that yummy looking dessert!

    I'm so glad you all had a good weekend!

    Also...I totally need to check out that book! Did you ever get a chance to check out my friend's political blog? It's awesome, I wish he would post more often!

  5. Beautiful dessert! My husband got the same gift (Common Sense) plus Mark Levin's book Liberty and Tyranny. You need something good to read at the beach! Just stopping by from SITS and found a beautiful blog!

  6. Oh.My.Gosh. Amanda - your girls are so cute!!! You are definitely blessed.

    Ah, those were the years. My oldest turned 16 today. I have to admit that, thus far, I enjoy the teenage years far better than I did the toddler years. :-)

    Have a great week!

  7. Your girls look adorable in their matching swimsuits. I don't blame you for getting a pool membership over a week of vacation. The pool will give your girls hours of enjoyment every time you take them.

    I will have to look for that book. People need to come to their senses in this country!!

  8. Ahhh those little girls are precious. Now pass that chocolate desert. ;-)

  9. The girls look so cute in their new swimsuits! Wish I lived closer so I could go with you and help watch them at the pool ( I love the water.) What a good investment for the yearly pass of fun. Hard to believe there is a waiting list. Our small area can hardly get enough $$$ to keep the pools open & managed all summer.

    Your dessert looks yummy and I agree with the girls (chocolate & whip cream YEA!!!! and throw in the strawberries, so delicious!


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