Monday, June 8, 2009

Thrifty Treasures Monday

My girls are bringin' down my game here lately! (Only half joking.) I didn't come across much in the 'burg this weekend, but I did find a gem or two.

I like to be sure my girlies get plenty of time at home to play, so I do my best to not schlep them all over creation on "Yard Sale Saturdays." We went to several sales this weekend, but didn't find much! I was looking for a few specific items, and that can be hit or miss with yard sales.

This is a semi-Before shot of the bird cage I found at Salvation Army. I was halfway through spray painting before I realized I hadn't taken a "before" picture. I got it for $1.50! It was an icky, plain wood color, and kind of dirty.

Voila! Here's an After:

I used my favorite $0.97 spray paint from Wal-Mart. Only took two coats, and it's looking much better. I think I might put some of that mossy stuff in the little tray and keep it on top of my TV armoire.

I remember my mom reading this book to my brother, sister, and I when we were little. It was $0.25. The illustrations are really pretty. I am trying to impress upon Natalie, my 3 year old social butterfly, the importance of knowing about strangers! Maybe this will help....

Got this tee-shirt for Michaela Byrd at Wal-Mart for $1.00. Remember what I said, Wal-Mart doesn't have to be scary. If you're careful. I love stuff with birds, and since Michaela's middle name is "Byrd," I snatch birdie stuff up for her when I find it. Poor kid eats like a bird too, so a lot of her hand-me-downs from Natalie are too big right now. Now she'll have a new tee to play in at home.

I also found this lamp and shade at Wal-Mart. Together, it ran just under $20. I wanted to find one at a yard sale to redo, but haven't seen anything I really like. It's going to go on my Salvation Army makeover desk. Do you think I should add some black fringe?

See? It came from the Better Homes & Gardens line. They have some really cute stuff!

Nuthin' else to show! I did find some "Crocs" at WM on clearance for $1, but they're already dirty from me taking them out in the garden.

Go see Rhoda at Southern Hospitality for more of the weekend's thrifty finds!

{Happy Thrifting, Y'all!}

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  1. you got a great deal on the birdcage!

  2. I am a HUGE thrift shopper!!! I absolutely LOVE that bird cage...what a deal!

  3. Happy Monday! Visiting from SITS! Cute blog - there are just so many crafty creative people out there, I am so impressed by all of you! ;-)

  4. Love the birdcage and the redo you did. That little birdie shirt is too stinkin cute! I had all boys and there is not a lot of cute clothes for boys!

  5. Fabulous birdcage! Great find!

    Have a great week,

  6. I absolutely love that birdcage! It looks beautiful after your paint job. I've been on the lookout for one as well but haven't had any luck yet. I also find a lot of cute things in Wal-Mart's Better Homes and Garden line.: )

  7. LOOOOVE that birdcage! Great find, girl! :)

  8. Looks like you got some great deals, but the birdcage is the best!

  9. I LOVE the birdcage's going to look so great in your house!

    Great finds all around!

  10. Amanda, what a deal on the birdcage! It looks big too. How about some ribbon on the lampshade instead of fringe?? I think that would look fab. I'm getting a little tired of fringe myself.

  11. Just Awesome! Stopping by from SITS!

  12. Great finds! That little t-shirt is SO cute! I would have bought one and I don't even have kids. :)

  13. WOW awesome bird cadge!!!
    love the transformation

  14. love the bird cage and how you painted it white is a great idea.
    I need to get to the GW...some great things are being found there.

  15. that lampshade would also look sleek with the "ostrich feathers" (not really- more like fluffy fringe, kinda) on the bottom ridge.


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