Saturday, June 27, 2009

Spend Less Saturday and a Tag!

This week's Thrifty Thursday: It's Chic to Be Cheap post detailed a few ideas for activities to keep your kids busy this summer without breaking the bank. I had some great responses that sparked some more thoughts, so I thought I'd share them today.

If you have any more insight, please feel free to leave a message in the Comments area so other readers can find inspiration to make their summer at home with little ones more manageable!

Prof en Retraite from the Confessions of a Plate Addict blog said she took her own grandson to see Monet's Water Lilies this week. I hadn't even thought of the art museum. The National Gallery of Art is my favorite, next to the Louvre, of course. Kids who love to paint and draw would probably have a blast examining paintings, sculptures, and other works of art. Then they can go home and create their own Rembrandt rip-off.

(You don't have to buy pricey Crayola products at Michael's! The Dollar Tree has paints, crayons, side walk chalk, and large paper pads that are suitable for three year olds who have not succumbed to brand loyalty yet. I love Crayola, but when it's a tight month, The Dollar Tree will do!)

Xazmin at This is the Year is young at heart, because she still enjoys a rousing chair spin or two. (Good for you, X!) One of the things her family enjoys is picnicking at the park or in the beautiful mountains close to where they live. If you've ever visited Xazmin's blog, you can enjoy her mountain views vicariously. To kick it up a notch, you could organize a contest for the older kids. Maybe give each of them a disposable camera, and award prizes for best nature shot, funniest photo, most creative, etc. A scavenger hunt could be fun too!

My separated at birth, blonde, and prettier twin, Amanda at Imperfectly Beautiful lamented that her husband hasn't put their "ghetto pool" in yet, and the summers down South are H-O-T! We think we've got it bad here in Virginia! The picture above is similar to what I'd love to have in the back yard of my dreams, but the picture below might work for those of you who don't have a neighborhood pool, or a pool your husband hasn't had a chance to set up yet.
My parents used a good old-fashioned sprinkler, sans Slip 'N Slide, and we all turned out just fine. I'm more of a pool person though...wet grass isn't my thing. I'd prefer a $10 plastic pool from Wal-Mart or Target over nothing!

If you already have a gym membership, why not make use of it? This was a revelation from Becky at Farmgirl Paints. Like Becky's, the Kids Zone at our gym boasts a maze, outdoor playground, indoor play area, and computers. Some gyms may offer special summer programs, so check the website of your local haunt. I like the idea of my kiddos having some fun with new children while I get a quick workout in.

Stacey from I'm a Blogger, Now What? (she's actually sort of my step-sister-in-law!) regularly visits my favorite spot--the Dollar Spot at Target. She and her kids have used some summer time to create hand-made cards to send to friends and family.

Stacey noted that Target's Dollar Spot is also a great place to stock up on Superhero and Princess mini-notebooks, which are a thrill for the younger set.

My sweet friend Tracy loved the Children's Book Club idea and is thinking about starting one! If it's a book that my little spitfire will sit still long enough for, we are all in, Tracy!

On to other things....

In an exhibition of being the world's worst bloggy friend, I am just now getting around to Xazmin's tag.

I'm supposed to go to my pictures, open the 1st file folder, and share the 10th picture and the story that goes along with it. Then tag 5 more people to participate! Easy peasy!

This photo is of Natalie and Michaela Byrd the first time they wore matching outfits. Natalie was so excited to match her sister. This was during the brief, but happy period of time in which she enjoyed having her sister around. I call it our Renaissance.

I tag:
1. Prof en Retraite

2. Amanda

3. Becky

4. Stacey

5. Tracy

Have a fabulous weekend!

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  1. Even though I don't have kids, I enjoy reading your suggestions for free or cheap things to do. If you live near a state park, there are often free activities there. There are two near us that often have really interesting naturalist type programs for the kids. We also have a city naturalist program that has free summer activities.

  2. So cute! Love all the ideas, and LOVE the darling picture! Matchy-matchy sisters are sooo cute!


I love to hear your feedback! Please feel free to leave comments...just don't send me spam asking me to buy stuff off your website! I've got three kids and no money to purchase your magic weight-loss pill or bust enhancement, or whatever else you might be selling. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you! :)

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