Friday, September 30, 2011

::Weekend Bloggy Reading:: Link Up!

Welcome to Weekend Bloggy Reading. I hope you'll link up your best post of the week today, and maybe leave me some comment love!

All kinds of posts are welcome--recipes, crafts, funny stories, home decor, etc.; but please do not link to Etsy shops, businesses, items for sale, etc. (I have a Sponsors section, if you'd like to Advertise with me.)

Here are a few of my faves from this week:

sources listed below
~Erin will show you how to create a new blog header using free online photo editing software, Picasa and Picnik.

~Do you collect mason jars? Sarah will show you how to make your own mason jar soap dispenser.

~Learn how to save money on large family portraits by recycling mats and frames from Amanda Carver Designs.

~One of Disney’s 10 ways to repurpose clip on earrings was the clever idea to use them as drawer pulls.

~And Me? This week featured:

Time to link up your best post of the week (please take the time to include a link-back or my party button and visit some of the other participants!)

Here's the button code if you'd prefer to use that rather than a link-back:
Weekend Bloggy Reading

Party is open until 10 pm (ET) on Sunday night.

Remember that blog parties work best when bloggers participate, so if you have a chance to visit a few of the other links, you might find a new friend or two!

I'm pleased to say that we don't really have any plans this weekend other than taking Natalie to a bowling birthday party. I need to catch up on some laundry and I'm hoping to get my craft on at some point!

What are you up to this weekend?

I hope to be back tomorrow with some highlights from Weekend Bloggy Reading!

(This Code is for blogs featured today!):
Featured At Serenity Now

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Blogging and Beyond- with Big Mama

I've got another fantastic Blogging and Beyond interview for you today! From time to time, I like to share a little behind-the-scenes glimpse into the lives of some of my favorite bloggers. It's been really fun to learn about blogging and time management from them!

Today's featured blogger is Melanie from Big Mama.
If you aren't reading Big Mama, then you are really missing out! Melanie, ironically, is not at all Big, but was dubbed "Big Mama" by her daughter during a phase in which "Big" was the highest compliment one might be paid. Melanie's was one of the very first blogs I read when I discovered the world of blogging. It is a delightful mixture of good humor, witty insight, real life, and maybe a little fabulous fashion thrown in. Her husband, P, and their daughter, Caroline, are frequent subjects in Melanie's hilarious posts.

Melanie's humor is what initially drew me to her site, and it has definitely influenced the way I write. It was a pleasant realization for me to learn that you can write about real life in a way that people will relate to you and laugh with you (or at you?). She can take a topic like living in a Melrose Place for the elderly, grocery shopping or a child's birthday party, and weave the story in with side-splitting humor to craft a post that will keep your eyes glued to the screen. No skim-reading. I was so excited to see that Melanie will have the opportunity to share her thoughts on faith, family, and motherhood in her first book that she is busy writing.

Here's what I learned about Melanie in our Q and A session!

1. Why did you start blogging, and what makes you stick with it?

I began blogging as a way to record memories for Caroline. She was about to turn three when I started the blog and she’ll be eight next week. I love having a record of the last five years and I would have never been one to sit and make some kind of scrapbook with fancy scissors and paper.

I stick with it because I love the exercise of writing something everyday. I really think that’s the key. If it were about anything else, I never would have stuck with it over the last five years. Plus, I know that even when I’m writing something that seems totally mundane, I’ll look back someday and be so glad to have the memories written down.

2. What’s one piece of advice you wish someone would have given you before you began blogging?

Don’t put anything out there that you wouldn’t mind anyone finding. I wrote a couple of posts early on that I later went back and deleted. It’s easy to feel anonymous because the internet is so big, but you never know what someone may find. So before you bash the PTA president or your mother-in-law, you may want to rethink that decision and choose your words carefully.

3. How has writing the Big Mama blog changed your life?

It’s hard to even describe all the ways it has changed my life, but the most important thing to me are the relationships I’ve built with people I probably never would have known without the blog. I will be forever grateful for that.

4. How would you describe your personal style?

I really like simple things. I’m not one for a lot of fuss and frills. My personal style would be a cross between a Ralph Lauren ad and Gap back when they used to have cuter things.

5. Favorite place to find affordable, cute accessories?

I really like Charming Charlie. It’s a great place to find inexpensive accessories and I love that the whole store is color-coded.

6. What do you like to do with your girlfriends?

Get together and eat Mexican food. I’ve given and received a lot of free therapy over a basket of chips and a bowl of queso.

7. Any advice for moms of strong-willed girls?

I’m still figuring it out as I go, but the thing I’ve learned it to pick my battles. I’ve found, through A LOT of trial and error, that she will be more willing to go along with what’s really important if I give her freedom to do her own thing on the things that don’t matter that much. This explains why her hair is in her face so much of the time and she has worn the same pair of shorts for the last four days.

8. What do you and P do together for fun?

Our lives get so busy that our favorite thing to do is have a night out somewhere. We love to go out to eat and just spend our time catching up without any interruptions.

9. Favorite guilty pleasure?

Sitting on the couch watching bad T.V. Preferably while eating something involving chocolate and peanut butter.

10. How do you balance blogging and life?

Well, I’m writing this at 12:30 a.m. That’s how I balance. I really try to stay off the computer while my family is around and stick to working on the blog after everyone is in bed or at least settled in for the night. The thing I’ve realized is life goes by fast and I don’t want to miss it because I’m on the computer.


Melanie, thanks so much for agreeing to let me interview you. I've never interviewed a real, live author...especially one with such fabulous taste in clothes! This was a pleasure.

If you don't already read Big Mama, please stop by and read. Be sure to let Melanie know I sent you!

I hope you'll come back tomorrow to link up YOUR best post of the week to Weekend Bloggy Reading. Recipes, crafts, home decor, book reviews, funny stories, you name it. Come prepared to showcase your blog and find some great weekend reads.
Weekend Bloggy Reading

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It Just Happened

I didn't go to Target looking for it. I'm not sure how it ended up in my cart. It just happened.

I don't know how I managed to find my glass pumpkin up in the attic after thinking it was lost for sure. It just happened.

I honestly can't tell you how the bag was ripped open and the contents poured into the newly cleaned glass pumpkin. It just happened.

Beats me if the lid didn't accidentally slide off the pumpkin while I was washing dishes. It just happened.

And then that candy corn was in my hand and I was distracting the girls so they wouldn't see. It just happened.

I ate 10 7 5 like 2 pieces. I'm not sure why. It just happened.

Maybe by now you have figured out that I have a wee small affinity for candy corn. Like my addiction to Pinterest, I can't explain it.

It just happened.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fall Pumpkin Decor on My "Mantel"

I thought it might be fun to share a few shots of my Fall pumpkin decor on my "fantel" (fake mantel). This year was a little challenging because I am trying not to buy any new tchotchkes if I can help it. We don't have a mantel, so I use the top of my TV armoire to display seasonal pieces:

There's not much that's different from last year, but I did move things around a little bit.

My pumpkins are a mix of craft store and Dollar Tree faux pieces painted with black craft paint. The vintage metal Thermos lunchbox was a thrifty estate sale purchase (it's perfectly beat up-love it!) and the little metal stars are from Target's Dollar Spot last year. I'm leaning towards spray painting them both the same color...just not sure which shade.

I'm working in most of my Fall decorations this week, and I plan on adding some Halloween goodies here and there over the weekend. At first I was disappointed that I decided not to go out and buy new "stuff," but now I'm realizing that working with what I have makes me more creative! Some spots in my house might look similar to last year, but I'm enjoying moving things around.

As always, the Family Room is a work on progress...when my sofa slipcover comes in I'll be able to make some more concrete plans for the room. This area is a bit blah, but I know it will come together one of these days...half the fun is waiting until I find just the right pieces and/or inspiration!

Next on my agenda is to pick up a few inexpensive supplies and put a Halloween wreath together for the front door.

Are you using what you have this year, or have you added some new pieces?

Linking to the The Lettered Cottage and Hooked on Houses

Monday, September 26, 2011

Tiny Dancer

I am the oldest of three. This was both a blessing and a curse growing up.

A curse in that being the oldest means you are your parents' guinea pig. Whatever rules and regulations don't work out with you end up getting tossed out with the younger kids, who live a decidedly more carefree existence.

A blessing in that I was the boss. I directed the "plays" we put on, I was always the princess while my sister was demoted to "duchess" (which I assured her was better than a princess), I teased my brother mercilessly, and I evicted my sister's Barbies to the roof of the dollhouse (I told her it was an apartment) so that I could have the other two floors to myself. I was truly a joy to experience childhood with.

In comparison, I'd say that Michaela Byrd has it pretty good. Natalie occasionally makes her be a cat when they play, but they get along pretty nicely when it's not after 4 pm.

Michaela Byrd's sole complaint was most recently when we took Natalie for the first day of ballet class and she realized that she was not going to be attending class as well. My friends, the dramatic performance she put on in the parking lot was nothing short of Oscar-worthy. Wailing, with big alligator tears, "But I want to daaaaance."

I felt like the most evil heartless mother in the world. How do you explain to a three year old the economy and the concept of money and the fact that it (unfortunately) doesn't grow on trees? So I distracted her with snacks and Barbies and coloring books until we could get home and I could tell T that we needed to reevaluate the budget.

Then we went out and shopped for some new ballet slippers (her play ones from home were too small), and a new black leotard small enough to fit a child whose caloric intake is smaller than a caterpillar's.

And Wednesday was Michaela Byrd's first day of ballet class. She's a little grandmother ran a successful dance studio for many years and would never accept children younger than four for various reasons. But I think if Nannie had been able to come with us last week, she would have made an exception.

Michaela Byrd was in her element. She was in the studio dancing before the instructor had even started class. It was so much fun to watch her follow the movements and have fun with the little musical games they played. They even performed a small recital at the end of class. Her only disappointment was that they "didn't do arabesque."

Arabesque or not, making a little room in the budget was so worth seeing her little face light up when she marched into the studio. And my face lights up whenever I think about it.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

More Highlighted Links--Share Your Best Post!

Good morning, friends! If you're here to link up to Weekend Bloggy Reading, it's open for new links until 10 pm (ET) tonight. Please share your best post of the week with us...crafts, recipes, home decor, book reviews--all kinds of posts are welcome.

I also like to Feature bloggers who not only have great projects, but who also take the time to follow through with good blogging etiquette and link back to me within their post(s). I add many of these Features to Pinterest, so there's some extra incentive to be a gracious blogger and add a link back to this party.

Here are a few links from Weekend Bloggy Reading that caught my eye!

~Halloween Ribbon Wreath

~Homemade Chicken Broth

~Flying Bats Halloween Wreath

~Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Whoopie Pies

~Baby Girl's Closet Makeover

~Fall Pillow Cover

~Duct Tape Shoe Makeover

~Allergy-Friendly Lunchbox Idea

~Being a "Yes" Mom

~When My Heart is Overwhelmed

*Please, if you haven't already, take a few moments to visit a few of the other links from the party if you linked up this weekend. I love hosting, and I love commenting on posts...but it's no fun for anyone if we just have stale links sitting around. Get out there and find some fun reads! {wink}

Did I feature you today? If the answer is "yes," feel free to grab this button for your sidebar!
Featured At Serenity Now

Enjoy your Sunday!

We're watching football, staying inside (rain. again.), and I'm hoping to get the Fall decorations out of the attic today...what about you?

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Highlighted Weekend Links-- Share Your Best Post!

Happy Saturday! Are you enjoying your weekend? Please pop in to link up YOUR best post of the week at my Weekend Bloggy Reading party. Open for new links until Sunday at 10 pm (ET).

All kinds of posts are welcome: We have recipes, home remedies, room makeovers, crafts, fashion advice, book reviews, and more! The code for the button is near the end of this post.

There are a lot of fabulous posts this weekend! If you haven't yet, please be sure to visit some of the other links from the party and say a quick howdy to those who have taken the time to visit you. That's how a good blog party works--lots of participation. Otherwise we just have a bunch of stagnant links, and that's no fun for anyone!

I'd also really appreciate it if you'd take the time to link back to me within your post(s)...I like to return the favor by Featuring the bloggers who follow through with good old fashioned blogging etiquette!

Keep reading to see just a few of the posts that caught my eye so far:

~Burlap and Leaves Fall Decor

~Chocolate Covered Pumpkin Twinkies

~How to Add a "Pin It" Button to Your Posts

~Linen Closet Makeover

~Sunroom Reveal

~Inexpensive Silhouette Art organizing made fun


So, what did you have up your sleeve this week? Come by and share it with us here! Be sure to check out some of the other bloggers' work too. Here's the button in case you'd rather use that than a link back.
Weekend Bloggy Reading

I'm working at commenting as well as balancing my family and fun time this weekend...thanks for your patience!

If I've featured you, feel free to snag this button for your blog:
Featured At Serenity Now

I'll be back tomorrow with more Highlights...there are so many great ones to choose from!

Friday, September 23, 2011

::Weekend Bloggy Reading:: Link Up! (and Features)

Welcome to Weekend Bloggy Reading. I hope you'll link up your best post of the week today, and maybe leave me some comment love!

All kinds of posts are welcome--recipes, crafts, funny stories, home decor, etc.; but please do not link to Etsy shops, businesses, items for sale, etc. (I have a Sponsors section, if you'd like to Advertise with me.)

Today's Features come straight from the Family Friendly Food Week that I hosted this week, so this post will be longer than usual.

Here at Serenity Now, I Featured:

~Family Friendly Food Week link party (open until 10 pm ET tonight)

~Meal Tips and Organization eBook Giveaway (link up to Family Friendly Food for an extra entry!)

~Guilt-Free Pineapple Upside Down Cupcakes

~How to Save Money on Groceries

Here are a few of my faves from the link party:

~Healthy Chicken Tortilla Soup

~Panko Mozzarella Sticks

~How to Make a Monthly Meal Plan

~Stuffed Potato Casserole

~Pumpkin Spice Cake

~Couponing Tips

~Healthy Waffle Recipe

~Real Life Pantry Organization

A Few Other Resources:

~Meal Planning Online: Relish.comThe Six O'Clock
~Kimba's How to Organize a Pantry the Good Enough Way
~Couponing Tips: Learn to Coupon from Southern Savers
~Pillsbury's Muffin Tin Meals
~Better Homes and GardensBest Casserole Dishes
~Kraft Slow Cooker Recipes

Time to link up your best post of the week (please take the time to include a link-back or my party button and visit some of the other participants!)

Here's the button code if you'd prefer to use that rather than a link-back:
Weekend Bloggy Reading

Party is open until 10 pm (ET) on Sunday night.

Remember that blog parties work best when bloggers participate, so if you have a chance to visit a few of the other links, you might find a new friend or two!

Throwing a little family birthday pizza party for my mom tomorrow night. Not much else going on here except for some laundry and Fall decorating!

What are you up to this weekend?

I hope to be back tomorrow with some highlights from Weekend Bloggy Reading!

(This Code is for blogs featured today!):
Featured At Serenity Now